We're building Q2 with GU25-5(11)8 canard. Our doubt was in the angle of incidence (angle of installation) of the canard.
So ?? we have fitted together the templates of canard and elevator with the original GU25-5(11)8 airfoil.
As we see, this angle is aprox. -0.5?.
Conc. airfoil:
From this document we know that such angle induces Max L/D.
The question is ?? do we REALLY have to install the canard with such angle (-0.5?) according to "level lines" given on templates?
Also the reason of doubt is the experience of Sam Hoskins, that finally had to re-install his canard with LE lifting to 1.25 degrees by such reason:
Yes, we know he had another airfoil on his canard, but we still are not sure...
Did anybody report that such angle is right and the elevator position in horizontal flight will be "zero"?..