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Category: History
Published: Thursday, 24 November 2011 08:46
Written by Dan Yager
Hits: 25669
Use the MEDIA menu item above to see magazine articles, the original Quickie Aircraft Corporation Newsletters, Q-tube (for sharing videos), and Quicker (for sharing photos.)
- Details
Category: History
Published: Monday, 13 December 2010 00:00
Written by Dan Yager
Hits: 45423
Click the name of the Article to read the text -or- Click the Cover Image to see a larger version.
The above articles are posted here for the education of our readers. Every effort has been made to seek the permission of the original copyright holder to reprint these materials, but in many cases the magazine is no longer in print, making direct communication with the copyright holder either difficult or impossible.
I have included full source citations for each of these works, and therfore, I believe the inclusion of these materials on this website constitutes fair use of the original copyrighted work. If you are the copyright holder, and wish to have your article(s) taken down, please contact me, and the material will be removed immediately.