Q-talk Index
- Details
- Category: Quickie Builders Association
- Published: Wednesday, 12 October 2011 20:00
- Written by Dan Yager
- Hits: 30232
Newsletter Index
The purpose of this index is to help locate information on specific subjects that might be contained within the articles published in the QBA newsletters.
The QBA newsletter was started in 1982. It was called QUICKTALK and there were six issues published every year for five years (82-86). A total of 30 issues were published with the QUICKTALK name. The issues were numbered 1 through 30.
In 1987 the name of the newsletter was changed to Q-TALK. The issue numbers started over again at number one. There were still six issues published every year.
The index is sorted by year. Each line has an issue number followed by a page number.(e.g. 26 7) Remember that issue numbers 1 through 30 are repeated. Thirty issues of QUICKTALK (1-30), followed by thirty plus issues of Q-TALK (1-72).
A KEY word follows the page number and then is followed by an article description.
If you find any errors in this index please contact me. I will be glad to make the corrections.
Dan Yager
QBA Editor
This index was produced by several QBA members who volunteered their time to research this information.
1 1 PROGRESS - Reports-First Issue Quickie
1 3 FIBERGLASS - Early Builder Tips
1 4 ONAN - Heat Muff Spacer
1 4 FIBERGLASS - Early Builder Tips
1 5 HOT Wiring - Counter Balance wire frame
1 5 HOT Wiring - Foam Blocks
1 5 FIBERGLASS - Fabricate Bulkheads from actual dimensions
1 5 FUSELAGE - Locating trim lines
1 5 TEMPLATES - Hotwire Template numbering
1 5 JIGGING - Table size
1 6 JIGGING - Table construction
1 6 FUEL SYSTEM - Prevent bobber from sticking
1 6 CONTROLS - Control stick clearance
1 7 FUSELAGE - Joining halves together
1 8 PILOT Profile - Bob McFarland
2 1 FLIGHT TEST - flying in rain.etc
2 3 EPOXY - Storage
2 3 FIBERGLASS - Layups on Saran wrap
2 3 FIBERGLASS - Using mylar tape to hold micro in place
2 3 TEMPLATES - Making hot wire templates from Formica
2 3 JIGGING - Bond bubble levels to canard / wing
2 3 FIBERGLASS - Make straight trailing edge
2 4 ONAN - Remove oil filler tube
2 4 FIBERGLASS - Bonding of cowl and firewall
2 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Mount fuel tanks before joining fuselage shells
2 5 HOT Wiring - Skin foam billets to prevent warping
2 5 FUSELAGE - Mounting shells to jigging table
2 5 FUSELAGE - Fuselage shells not same length
2 5 CANARD - Incorrect dimension given for bevel
2 5 CONTROLS - Constructing elevators
2 5 FIBERGLASS - Building bulkheads
2 6 ONAN - Charging system
2 7 PILOT Profile -
3 1 CANARD - Flying in rain
3 2 FIBERGLASS - Vacuum Forming
3 3 FIBERGLASS - Lots of misc. ideas
3 4 FIBERGLASS - Misc. tips for Quickie
3 5 HOT WIRING - Misc. ideas
3 5 FIBERGLASS - Q2 Misc. tips
3 5 CONTROLS - Dual rudder pedals
3 6 PILOT PROFILE - Theo Martin
3 7 CANOPY - Forward Hinge design
3 8 ONAN - Good Tachometer
3 9 ONAN - Electrical system
4 3 FIBERGLASS - post cure temperature Tempil Stick
4 3 FIBERGLASS - Hard Shelling foam cores
4 3 CONTROLS - Setting spacing for ailerons
4 3 FIBERGLASS - Sanding micro
4 3 TIE DOWNS - Making them mount to axle shafts
4 3 JIGGING - Secure wing / canard prior to flip
4 3 FIBERGLASS - Cutting and storing cloth
4 4 FIBERGLASS - Misc. Quickie Tips
4 5 FIBERGLASS - Misc. Q2 Tips
5 3 HOT WIRE - Misc. tips and techniques
6 1 CRASH - Q1 high speed taxi testing
6 2 EPOXY - filler for large areas, wing / canard jig blocks
6 2 CANARD - Wheel alignment sighting
6 2 FUSELAGE - Retractable NACA vent
6 2 EPOXY - fairings from nylon screen
6 2 CANARD / WING - Cutting the aileron / elevator trailing edge straight
6 3 FUSELAGE - Tailspring installation
6 3 TEST FLIGHT - Q1 throttle stuck, canard vibration, static source, gas tank vent, high humidity vs stick forces
6 3 CANARD - Q1 wheel pants too narrow, wheel rim separation
6 3 FUSELAGE - Q1 fixture for assembling the sides of the fuselage
6 3 FUSELAGE - Q1 gas tank filler neck
6 3 FUSELAGE - Q1 wheel bearings too tight, binding
6 3 FUSELAGE - Q1 installation of aft fuselage top piece
6 4 TEST FLIGHT - Q2 results
6 4 FUSELAGE - Q2 rudder / tailwheel spring clearance, tailwheel fairing
6 4 FUSELAGE - Q2 canopy bulkhead, seat bulkhead, FS94 bulkhead
6 4 FUSELAGE - Q2 joining the fuselage shell halves
6 4 FUSELAGE - Q2 drawing by Tom Jewett of aileron control at aft wing center
6 5 FINISH - Filling the weave on wing/canard surfaces, acrylic enamel bubbling
6 5 FUSELAGE - Tailwheel pivot angle
6 6 FINISH - QAC's recommendations for performance finishing
6 7 FINISH - QAC's recommendations for performance finishing
6 8 PILOT PROFILE - Q1 built at Air Force Academy
6 8 TEST FLIGHT - Q1 / Q2 GU canard performance letters from Sheehan, Rutan
6 9 FUSELAGE - Fuselage rotation stand
6 9 ENGINE - Q1 Ken Brock Mfg idea for exhaust pipe ball joints
6 9 FUSELAGE - Canard Pusher recommendation against use of auto gas
6 9 ENGINE - QAC testing C-85 and O-200 engines
6 10 FUSELAGE - Pictures of Q2 fuselage built from scratch
7 2 FLYING - Notes from Gene Sheehan re flying in the rain
7 7 CONSTRUCTION - Q2 construction experience by Saylor Milton
7 8 PRODUCT UPDATE - T-tail, LS Canard, O200, Turbo Revmaster, Prefab wings
7 9 PERFORMANCE - Survey of performance results
7 1 CONSTRUCTION - Notes about life and storage of Safe-T-Poxy
8 1 EXHAUST - Onan stainless pipes experience
8 1 EPOXY - Safe-T-Poxy allergy notes
8 2 EPOXY - Safe-T-Poxy allergy
8 2 CONSTRUCTION - Multiple builders tips for Q2 construction
8 3 ENGINES - Onan engine development tips
8 5 COOLING - Q2 cooling improvements
8 5 CONSTRUCTION - Tips for longeron and grooved main tank
8 5 ENGINE - Posa carb tips
8 5 CONSTRUCTION - Engine, mass balance, seatbelt tips
8 5 CONSTRUCTION - Elevator mid bearing tip
8 5 CONSTRUCTION - Alternative longeron construction
8 5 CONSTRUCTION - Seatbelt mods for more strength
8 6 FLIGHT TEST - Suggestions by Duane Swing re first flight
8 7 PILOT PROFILE - Paul Yungen Quickie experience
8 8 FINISH - Finish recommendations with comments by Rutan
8 9 CONSTRUCTION - AN bolt nomenclature
8 9 CONSTRUCTION - T-tail installation tips
8 9 PLANS Change - Mandatory plans change for T-tail
9 1 CONSTRUCTION - Safe-T-Poxy allergy problems
9 3 CONSTRUCTION - Ratio pump, flat table construction, tie downs,
9 4 CONSTRUCTION - Wing construction tips
9 4 CONSTRUCTION - Canopy cutting and installation tips
9 4 GO FAST - Sheehan tips to Godbe re cooling and aero cleanup
9 5 CONSTRUCTION - QCSM5 stud mount, fuselage wing cutout tips
9 5 STEERING - Tailwheel springs
9 6 PROFILE - Kim Singleton
9 7 ENGINES - Alternative engines for Quickie, Spitfire, Kawasaki
9 7 ENGINES - History of Onan engine selection
9 9 RECORD FLIGHT - Quickie distance record, Steve Eckrich
9 11 CONTROLS - Aileron reflexor design drawings
9 11 CONSTRUCTION - All glass LS canard - Larry Weishaar
9 11 CONSTRUCTION - Measurement of post cure temps with Temp Strips
9 11 ACCESSORIES - Q-Craft has canopy cover for Q2
10 3 CONSTRUCTION - Breathing device described
10 3 CONSTRUCTION - Sanding aid
10 3 CONSTRUCTION - Tempered Masonite for templates recommended
10 3 CONSTRUCTION - Post curing tip using inflated dome hot air tent
10 4 FLIGHT - Landing technique
10 4 ENGINE - Onan cooling improvement
10 4 WHEELS - Bearings and brakes tips
10 5 FLIGHT - Q2 tips on first flight
10 5 CONSTRUCTION Q2 wing building tips
10 6 T-TAIL T-Tail report
10 8 PROFILE - Bob Falkiner
11 1 GENERAL - Masal - Comments from Oshkosh .'83
11 4 FLIGHT - Report on flight characteristics of Q2 - Duane Swing
11 5 REFLEXOR - Recommendation for super reflexor to hold tail down
11 8 CONSTRUCTION - Builder tips -sizing parts, reaming holes, delam bubble repair-Falkiner
11 9 CONSTRUCTION - Wing glassing tips
11 9 CONSTRUCTION - Epoxy cleanup using Trichloroethane
11 10 EXHAUST - Quickie cowling ft over pipes
11 10 FUEL - Pressure check method
11 10 ENGINE - Onan throttle problem due to sagging engine mounts
11 10 CONSTRUCTION - Aileron mounting tips
11 10 CONSTRUCTION - Tips on longeron bending and vent scoop
12 2 ENGINE - Onan vibration and prop balance
12 2 FLIGHT - Early flight experience with Q2
12 2 ENGINE - Koenig engine experience on quickie
12 3 FLIGHT - Quickie flight problems at Denver
12 4 CONSTRUCTION - Onan mods, new heads, graphite gaskets-Little and Anderson
12 6 CONSTRUCTION - Fitting technique for fuselage halves
12 6 TAILWHEEL - Modification of tail wheel bracket for vertical kingpin
12 6 CONSTRUCTION - Tips on wing glassing an longeron bending
12 6 FUEL - Fitting of Tempo mechanical gauge: sandblasting prep
12 6 CONSTRUCTION - Fuselage quarters fitting tips
12 6 CONSTRUCTION - Tail cone tips and alternate location for master cylinder
12 7 GENERAL - Tips: Surface fillers, Shapers, sliding canopy, Rain-X
12 8 PROFILE - Ken an Martin Olson of British Columbia
12 9 GENERAL - Reports on OSH, PEEK composite, SAFE-T-POXY precautions
12 9 TAILSPRING - How to repair one
13 1 PERFORMANCE - builder results compared to QAC results
13 2 HOTWIRING - discussion of the importance of cutting accurate foam cores
13 2 ENGINE - Q-1 Koenig engine conversion results
13 2 ENGINE - Q-1 Onan with 22.5 hp conversion performs well at 155 hours
13 2 PERFORMANCE - Q-1 builder discusses limitations of the aircraft
13 3 ENGINE - Q-1 Koenig engine conversion results
13 3 CRASH - Q-1 pilot hits hard on landing
13 3 TAIL WHEEL - Q-1 changes tail wheel pivot to vertical alignment
13 3 CRASH - Q-1 pilot swerves off runway when rock lodges in brake assembly
13 4 PERFORMANCE - real world numbers verses QAC claims
13 4 CANARD - Canadian Q-2 builder experiences difficulties with LS-1 canard
13 5 LAYUPS - tips for rolling on cloth, marking proper locations, level boards
13 5 TOOLS - dremel disc #426 recommended
13 5 TOOLS - epoxy pump tips for cold weather use
13 5 FUSELAGE - Q-1 layout tips using carpenter's chalk line
13 5 FINISHING - one builder's start to finish procedure
13 5 TOOLS - using the rotary cutter on fiberglass cloth
13 5 HEALTH CAUTION - cleaning solvents to avoid
13 5 FINISHING - notes on micro consistency and tips on spreading
13 5 LAYUPS - tips for doing layups in cold weather
13 6 SAFETY - 3-M super weatherstrip adhesive #8001 as vibration lock
13 6 JIGGING - ideas on work table construction
13 6 ELECTRICAL - an onboard ignition tester for single coil ignition systems
13 6 FUEL SYSTEM - recommendations for post curing the fuel tank
13 6 CANARD - Q-2 LS-1 carbon fiber canard building procedures
13 7 ENGINE - Q-1 Onan engine modifications by Anderson and Little
13 8 PROPELLER - rain proofing your wood prop
13 9 CRASH Q-1 & Q-2 having problems with pitch change in rain using GU canard
13 10 ELECTRICAL - Q-1 improved electrical system
13 10 CARBURETOR - Posa carb #5A needle modification
14 1 REVMASTER - valve train and spark plug problems
14 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Q-2 first flights
14 2 EPOXY - skin protection from Amway products
14 2 WHEEL PANTS - Q-2 pilot snaps gear in sand on side of runway
14 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Q-1 flies and handles great
14 3 T-TAIL - installation results
14 3 CRASH - Q-2 pilot groundloops into ditch and snaps left gear
14 4 CANARD - Q-1 pilot with GU canard has problems with moisture on take off
14 4 ENGINE - Onan 18 hp verses 20 hp cylinder head comparison
14 4 HOTWIRING - Q-2 builder re-hotwires sub-standard canard cores
14 5 JIGGING - hinging alignment templates allows easy turning of assembly
14 5 ENGINE - Onan breaks motor mount and gearcase cover
14 5 MAIN WING - suggests leaving tips square until mounted to fuselage
14 5 BRAKES - Q-1 parking brake
14 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Q-1 application of sloshing sealer to fuel tank
14 5 WHEELS - Q-1 large tire clearance problem solved with narrower tires
14 5 FUEL SYSTEM - auto fuel clouds sight tube
14 5 ENGINE - Onan engine mount to engine attaching bolt breaks
14 5 CANOPY - Q-1 installation tips
14 6 CARBURETOR - Onan engine fuel mixture seems to change with cowl installation
14 6 CONTROLS - curing torque tube slop
14 6 ENGINE - firesleeve recommended near exhaust and support strap on exhaust pipe
14 6 FUSELAGE - Q-2 jigging tips
14 6 FUEL SYSTEM - Q-2 tips for mounting header and main fuel tanks
14 6 MAIN WING - Q-2 aileron slot foam core advice
14 7 JIGGING - table extension ideas
14 7 MAIN WING - Q-2 tip for alignment of 20 BID layup
14 7 RUDDER - turnbuckle used as trim device
14 7 RIGGING - elevator alignment options
14 7 BRAKES - Q-2 converts to Rosenhan wheels and brakes
14 7 RADIO - shielded capacitors on P-leads eliminate radio frequency interference
14 7 TOOLS - water used to prevent kinks in bending tubing
14 7 FINISHING - proper bulkhead installation eases finishing process
14 7 ENGINE - starting the Revmaster in cold weather
14 7 BRAKES - solution to erratic disc brake operation
14 7 CANARD - detailed tips for building the Q-2 LS-1 canard
14 10 PROGRESS REPORT - QAC newsletter analyzed
15 1 PROGRESS REPORT - reports on visit to QAC, Revmaster, RAF, Aircraft Spruce, and LeGare
15 3 TAIL SPRING - Q-2 redesigned for lateral stability & vertical pivot geometry
15 4 FUEL SYSTEM - Q-2 fuel tank building tips
15 4 RADIO - effects of carbon spar on antenna performance
15 4 ELEVATORS - riveting pivot assemblies
15 4 FOAM - shaping X-40 pour in place foam
15 4 FIBERGLASS - a way to save UNI cloth
15 4 FUSELAGE - mounting level bubbles in armrest to level fuselage
15 4 CANOPY - tips for a good fit
15 4 TOOLS - Tupperware containers for micro and flox
15 4 EPOXY - dating mixing cups for quality control
15 5 ENGINE - Q-1 rubber mounting bushings explained
15 5 FUSELAGE - Q-1 contouring tip
15 5 SEAT BELTS - Q-1 caution on tapping holes for shoulder harness
15 5 LAYUPS - Q-1 UNI wing skin dimension accuracy questioned
15 5 AILERONS - Q-1 slight modification required to CS-7
15 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Q-1 fuel gauge dowel used is fiberglass rod
15 5 CANARD - improved method of mounting the canard
15 5 MAIN WING - improved method of mounting the main wing
15 5 COWLING - Q-1 builder adds an oil check door
15 5 SAFETY - Q-1 builder devises piece to prevent oil stick from coming out
15 6 RECORDS - Q-1 and Q-2 flying roster
15 8 FLIGHT TEST - 3 years of flying a Quickie part I
15 10 FLIGHT TEST - Q-2 comparison of new verses old canard
16 1 RECORDS - Q-200 takes 2nd and Q-2 takes 3rd in CAFE 400 race
16 2 CRASH - crashworthiness of the e designs
16 2 CANARD - Q-2 builder comes up with home grown LS-1 canard
16 2 ENGINE - Mobil 1 full synthetic oil raises questions
16 4 FINISHING - auto painting tips applied to the aircraft
16 4 SAFETY - clean-up solvents safety
16 4 HOT WIRING - counter balancing, house current voltage control, template material tips
16 4 EPOXY - safety considerations, health cautions
16 4 RADIO - checking foil tape antenna connections
16 5 FINISHING - featherfill shows problems with cracking
16 5 ENGINE - Q-1 balancing tips
16 5 ENGINE - Onan oil recommendations
16 5 ENGINE - Onan 20 hp heads perform well
16 5 FUEL SYSTEM - questions on fuel recommendations
16 5 FLIGHT TEST - Q-1 techniques of flying
16 6 FLIGHT TEST - 3 years of flying a Quickie part II
16 8 FINISHING - ideas on white primer and a low cost touch up gun
16 8 SAFETY - preflight should include tire pressure check
16 8 TOOLS - shampoo or syrup bottles for micro dispensers
16 8 LAYUPS - making newspaper patterns for glassing wheel pants
16 8 RIGGING - aileron reflexor or T-tail recommended
16 8 FUEL SYSTEM - Q-2 fuel tank construction
17 1 FLY-IN - report on Oshkosh 1984
17 1 CANARD - vortex generators and effects on GU pitch changes in rain and bugs
17 1 PROGRESS REPORT - QAC forum notes
17 2 TRI GEAR - Dragonfly begins testing prototypes
17 3 CRASH - fatal crash due to throttle linkage failure
17 3 SAFETY - proper preparations before first flight
17 3 SAFETY - solvent cautions
17 4 FLIGHT TEST - Q-1 first flight results
17 4 CRASH - engine failure on take-off destroys Q-2, cockpit OK
17 5 JIGGING - a method of assuring a perfect fit of foam cores at BLOO
17 5 RADIO - curing foil antenna breakage
17 5 TOOLS - flexible curves used for transferring shapes
17 5 TOOLS - epoxy rollers save time
17 5 WHEELS - drilling axle holes for proper wheel alignment
17 5 HOT WIRING - tip for cutting slots for wires, cables, etc.
17 5 LAYUPS - a technique to help glassing aileron, elevator, and rudder slots
17 5 JIGGING - Black Magic Repair Kit doesn't work well as a bondo
17 5 RUDDER - pedal bushings with nylon inserts available
17 5 CARBURETOR - Posa carburetor AD regarding needle set screw
17 5 FLIGHT TEST - Q-2 aileron steering, T-tail, reflexor results
17 5 CANARD - elevator midspan pivot installation with carbon spar
17 6 REFLEXOR - plans
17 6 FUEL SYSTEM - fuel cap and spout built with PVC
17 6 CANARD - Q-2 LS-1 tips for elevator pivots, hinges, and slot core installation
17 7 FUSELAGE - Q-1 fuselage cut option advantages
17 7 CRASH - Q-1 hard landing destroys canard
17 7 FLIGHT TEST - Q-1 first flight
17 7 CRASH - Q-1 destroyed by a series of bad decisions
17 8 CRASH - accident reports on two Q-1's and two Q-2's
17 9 CRASH - Landing damages Q-2 w/carbon spar, repair includes inboard main wheels
17 10 FLY-IN - Oshkosh 1984 pictorial
17 12 CANARD - templates to construct plywood, dense foam, and aluminum parts for LS-1 canard
18 1 PROGRESS REPORT - QAC loses law suit and closes down business
18 2 FINISHING - Dupont 100S recommended over 70S
18 2 ENGINE - kit supplied starter for Revmaster has problems
18 2 ENGINE - Revmaster quick drain oil sump option considered a necessity
18 3 ENGINE - disgruntled 22.5 hp Onan owner speaks out
18 3 CRASH - Q-2 ground handling problems lead to damage
18 4 PROGRESS REPORT - QAC responds to Q-2 problems with ground handling
18 4 FLY-IN - Robert Herd campaigns for large mass attendance of Q-s at Oshkosh
18 4 ENGINE - Kawasaki powered Quickie mystery ships emerge
18 5 RADIO - Radio Systems Technology's 720 channel nav com gets rave reviews
18 5 CRASH - Q-2 original canard gets wet and provokes many comments on the homebuilt movement
18 6 WHEEL PANTS - Q-2 receives inboard wheel pants
18 6 TAIL SPRING - Q-2 tail spring replaced with Dragonfly tail spring
18 6 RUDDER - Q-2 rudder modified to increase area 50 %
18 6 FUEL SYSTEM - backfire on start-up causes fire which destroys cowling
18 6 TRI-GEAR - Dragonfly developments of tri-gear and inboard gear
18 7 ENGINE - Revmaster valve leakage and cracks in heads
18 7 CARBURETOR - Revflo carburetor needle looseness alert; possible grounding issue
18 7 CARBURETOR - Revmaster's recommendations on Revflo needle retention problems
18 8 BRAKES - Q-2 brake system modified to allow differential or single pull braking
18 8 CANARD - Q-2 LS-1 builder feels plans layup schedule is inadequate
18 8 FUSELAGE - Q-1 contouring area under wing for smooth transition
18 8 FUSELAGE - Q-1 building forward and aft fuselage covers
18 8 RIGGING - proper retention of rod ends to bellcranks regarding bolt direction
18 8 CANOPY - easier to remove bondo from glass surfaces than 5 min. epoxy
18 8 CANOPY - Q-1 hinge and secondary latch tips
18 9 ENGINE - Onan rear case oil leaks stopped
18 9 PROPELLER - Q-1 using 44x22 Ritz shows improvement over 42x30 Cowley
18 9 RIGGING - Q-1 landing and ground handling improved by raising ailerons above neutral
18 9 INSTRUMENTS - home made digital tachometer works well on Onan, plans and parts available
18 10 CANARD - picture depicting use of turbulators (vortex generators) on original canard
19 1 HISTORY - Lawsuit background QAC vs. Mullan
19 2 LAWSUIT - Donators letters to QAC
19 3 APPEAL - Customers viewpoint
19 4 CANARD - LeGare's interview on LS-1
19 4 VIDEOTAPE - Q2/200 construction videotape
19 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Q1 fuel problems/FOD
19 5 ENGINE/ONAN - engine mods
19 5 TIRES - mounting valve stems inside
19 5 RUDDER - using springs to maintain tensions
19 5 FUSELAGE - using a level reference
19 6 ENGINE/GLOBAL - installation on the Q1
19 6 ENGINE/KONIG - Q1 data with Konig installation
19 6 FUEL SYSTEM - curing fuel tank
19 6 CRASH - Strength of removable tail tabs
19 7 CANARD - Q2 mounting
19 7 FUEL SYSTEM - Q2 header tank overflow
19 7 CONTROLS - clearance between controls and fuel tank
19 7 BRAKES - Q2/200 mounting hints
19 7 ELECTRICAL - AD on Bendix 3000 magnetos
19 7 FUEL SYSTEMS - Q2 header tank fuel line location
19 7 CONSTRUCTION - longeron steamer
19 8 PERFORMANCE - Q2 flying at high density altitude
19 8 FUSELAGE - prior to joining Q2 two halves together
19 8 BRAKES - parking brakes and running brake lines
19 8 CANARD- jigging
19 8 WHEELPANTS - mounting to canard
19 9 ROSTER - Q1/Q2/200 flying roster 1985
19 10 LAWSUIT - continued
19 11 ENGINE/GLOBAL - pictures
20 1 LAWSUIT - more on QAC and Chapter 11
20 1 PROGRESS REPORT - accident due to ground handling
20 2 ELECTRICAL - lightweight alternator
20 3 PROGRESS REPORT - ratio of number of accidents to total number of Quickies
20 3 ENGINE/REVMASTER - various problems
20 3 ENGINE/LIMBACH - possible Revmaster replacement
20 4 ENGINE - Duncan Rotary
20 4 EPOXY - micro and flox mixtures
20 4 EPOXY - Safe-T-Poxy ratios
20 4 TOOLS - Dremel cut-off wheel
20 4 CANARD - leading edge finishing
20 5 ELECTRICAL - strobe lights
20 5 EPOXY - using plastic sheeting and a squeegee
20 5 CONSTRUCTION - making cut-out for vertical stabilizer
20 5 EPOXY - warming epoxy before use in cold climates
20 5 CANOPY - opening when upside down
20 5 CONSTRUCTION - pop-rivets not for critical areas
20 6 TEMPLATES - making duplicates
20 6 FINISHING - dry micro and hair dryer
20 6 FINISHING - sandblast instead of sanding
20 6 FINISHING - Sterling Filler
20 6 FLIGHT TEST - landing technique
20 6 FUSELAGE - jigging Q2 two halves
20 7 FUSELAGE - jigging continued
20 7 FUEL SYSTEM - sealing fuel tank
20 7 CANARD - LS-1 mod for mounting
20 7 WHEELPANT - using old pre-molded wheelpants on LS-1 canard
20 8 WHEELPANT - cont
20 8 BRAKES - caliper cover
20 8 FIBERGLASS - removable center console
20 8 CONTROLS - rudder pedals and cables
20 8 FUEL SYSTEM - fuel tank template for Q2
20 8 CANARD - new design
20 8 TIRES - Q1 size
20 8 PROPELLER - refinishing
20 9 ENGINE/ONAN - carbheat box
20 10 PHOTOS - Q1, Tri-Q and etc.
20 11 PHOTOS - various
21 2 ENGINE/NELSON - specs for a 4 cylinder - 2 cycle
21 2 CANARD - vortex generators
21 3 TRI-GEAR - Duane Swing
21 3 MAGNETOS - Bendix 3000
21 4 EPOXY - Alpha Plastics
21 4 FLIGHTTEST - from Dragonflys
21 5 TAILSPRING - comparison of x-section between D'fly and Q's
21 5 HOT WIRING TIP - stay away from water
21 5 FIBERGLASS - cutting tapes
21 5 HOT WIRING - measure foam before cutting canard
21 5 LONGERONS - bending longerons
21 5 FOAM - using X-40 foam
21 5CONSTRUCTION - using gray tape for a barrier
21 5 FIBERGLASS - using masking tape to keep 'glass straight
21 5 CONTRUCTION - building a main wing jig
21 5 FINISHING - zolatone paint for the interior
21 5 FOAM - X-40 - substitute
21 6 CONSTRUCTION - Q-2 mods, wings and canopy
21 6 FUEL SYSTEM - fuel tank placement
21 6 TAILWHEEL - angle to ground correction
21 7 REFLEXOR - mod to QAC version
21 7 CANARD - making sparrow strainers
21 7 ENGINE/VW - Q1 with 4 cyl VW
21 7 FLIGHT TEST - Q-1 with vortilons(vortex generators)
21 7 ENGINE/ONAN - dual points 21 7 PERFORMANCE - rate of climb formula
21 8 ENGINE/ONAN - broken engine mount bolt
21 8 ENGINE/ONAN - balancing the flywheel
21 8 CANARD - Weishaar and Doyle report on LS-1 spar
21 9 CANARD - holding carbon spars in place with rubber bands
21 9 ENGINE/ROTORWAY - Q-2 installation
21 9 FIBERGLASS - glassing elevators
21 10 CANARD - cuff mod picture
22 3 INSTRUMENT - Digital Flight Instrumentation System
22 3 PROGRESS REPORT - component weights
22 4 ENGINE/DUNCAN ROTARY - information on rotary engine
22 5 EPOXY - epoxy rash ointment
22 5 EPOXY - using wax paper to layup tapes
22 5 FINISHING - tips on finishing
22 6 TOOLS - Dremel cutoff wheels
22 5 ENGINE - replacing Onan head gaskets
22 5 PROGRESS REPORT - construction tips
22 6 FLIGHT TEST - Q1 flight report
22 6 CRASH - 2 Q1 accident reports in Canada
22 6 FLIGHT TEST - Q1 report
22 7 BRAKES - adjust scrubber to middle of tire
22 7 FUEL SYSTEM - replace plastic with glass
22 7 WHEELS - check plastic wheels for rough areas
22 7 ELECTRICAL - use trickle charger to maintain full charge
22 7 FUEL SYSTEM - use fiberglass rod instead of wooden dowel in sight gauge
22 7 FLIGHT TEST - Global engine Q1 report
22 8 CANARD - mount rudder pedals prior to mounting
22 8 FLIGHT TEST - Q2 with vortex generators
22 9 FLIGHT TEST - Q2 first flight
22 9 CANOPY - installing the canopy
22 9 CANARD - damage due to fuel leakage
23 2 EPOXY - Safe-T-Poxy builder's rash
23 3 ENGINE/REVMASTER - installing vacuum pump
23 3 FIBERGLASS - weights of main components
23 4 FLIGHT TEST - stress testing wings and canard
23 4 FUSELAGE - using NACA vents for ventilation
23 5 ENGINE/ONAN - Q1compresson check
23 5 PERFORMANCE - Q1 flight report
23 5 ENGINE/ROTAX - Q1 with 503 installed
23 5 ENGINE/KAWASAKI - Q1 with 447 installed
23 5 ENGINE/DAWN STAR - Dawn Star rotary on Q1
23 5 PERFORMANCE - Q1 report with Onan
23 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Q1 carburetor FOD
23 5 CONTROLS - Long Eze trim system on Q1
23 6 PROGRESS REPORT - paint added 54 lbs. on Q1
23 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Q1 with inboard gear
23 6 INSTRUMENT - aluminum panel has more vibration
23 6 FLIGHT TEST - Q1 test flights
23 6 FOAM - Q1 with Rohacell foam
23 6 FLIGHT TEST - Q1 report with Onan
23 6 FLIGHT TEST - report on Q2 with Revmaster
23 7 CONTROLS - controlling ground angle of attack
23 7 WHEELS - moving main wheels forward
23 8 RUDDER - extending the rudder
23 8 ENGINE/REVMASTER - R2100-D installation tips
23 8 BRAKES - adjusting disc brakes
23 8 CANARD - mounting canard in one step on Q2
23 9 BRAKES - correcting uneven/pulling brakes
23 9 PROGRESS REPORT - Q2 report on construction
23 9 FUSELAGE - making it easier to get large objects into the baggage area
23 9 ENGINE - modifying the cowling
24 5 FOAM - urethane rough planer
24 5 BRAKES - using phenolic for pads
24 5 CONTROLS - ailerons stops made from phenolic
24 5 WIRING - cheap bus bars from Radio Shack
24 6 ENGINE/GLOBAL - Q1report with Global
24 6 ENGINE/KAWASAKI - Q1 with 440 report
24 6 ENGINE/DAWN STAR- report of accident due to lack of power
24 6 ENGINE/ROTAX - Q1report on Rotax with 503
24 8 FLIGHT TEST - Rotax 447 report
24 8 CANOPY - making the lip
24 8 CONTROLS - electrical trim circuit
24 9 TAIL SPRING - removable tailspring
24 9 CANARD - making patterns for the canard and wing
24 10 BRAKES - differential braking
25 3 TOOLS - cutting 4130 tubing, catalogs
25 3 FIBERGLASS - cutting bid tapes
25 4 FIBERGLASS - preformed brackets
25 4 FUSELAGE - cowling access hole
25 4 FUSELAGE - alternate seatbelt anchor
25 4 FIBERGLASS - slot core wood formers
25 4 RUDDER - manual rudder trim
25 5 CANARD - removing anhedral from LS1 canard
25 6 ENGINE - Q1 various letters about problems encountered
25 7 CRASH - Q1 Dick Pettit N13RP #374 crash story
25 8 PERFORMANCE - Q1 pilot report on vortex generators
26 1 CRASH - Q2 Bob McFarland crash story
26 1 CRASH - Q1 Doug Swanningson crash story
26 2 CONTROLS - elevator flutter in Dragonfly
26 3 CRASH - Q2 Bob McFarland's last letter to QBA
26 3 ENGINE - Revmaster, pong dragon
26 5 FIBERGLASS - Custom Composite Components story
26 6 FIBERGLASS - making epoxy brushes last
26 6 FUSELAGE - gas tank and toluene don't mix
26 6 FUSELAGE - Painting stand
26 7 ENGINE - Q1 Onan valves, cowling mod, baffling
26 8 FLIGHT TEST - Q1 flight specs
26 8 INSTRUMENT - Q1 panel vibration dampeners
26 8 CRASH - Q2 Bob Stark first flight
26 8 CRASH - Q200 Charles Harris taxi testing
26 8 FIBERGLASS - female template for 9 BID 1X2 layups in ch 15
26 9 FUSELAGE - joining front and rear fuselage halves for trailering pads
26 9 FLIGHT TEST - Q200 FLIGHT TEST report
26 10 FUEL SYSTEM - fuel tank flox
27 1 CRASH - Bob McFarland crash info
27 1 CONTROLS - more info on elevator flutter in Dragonfly
27 3 CRASH - engine failure and 180 degree turn analysis
27 3 CRASH - Q2 Richard Briggs
27 5 FIBERGLASS - Rutan says NOT to use sprinkle micro over the last uncured layup
27 5 ENGINE - Q2 Posa carb needle set screw
27 6 PAINT - using fisheye eliminator
27 6 TOOLS - poor man's dust collector
27 6 TOOLS - water level tips
27 6 TOOLS - using bubble level and inclinometer for wing incidence
27 6 TEMPLATES - making out of metal and attaching
27 7 FIBERGLASS - missing knife trim time
27 7 FINISHING - sandpaper, sanding blocks, using a mask
27 8 FLIGHT TEST - Q1 positive and negative comments
27 8 ENGINE - Q1 Rotax 447 conversion
27 9 ENGINE - Q1 Onan comments
27 9 CRASH - Q1 pilot error
27 9 FLIGHT TEST - Q1 160hr report
27 9 ENGINE - Q1 Global vendor problems
27 11 ENGINE - Q1 heads warped by studs
27 11 TRI GEAR - Tri Q sparless canard design
27 11 FUSELAGE - Q2 lower seatback bulkhead installation
27 11 CRASH - Q2 taxi tests
27 12 FUSELAGE - Q2 FS 94 bulkhead mounting
27 12 WING - Q2 CS-6 phenolic bearing mounting location
27 12 FUEL SYSTEM - Q2 main tank fuel drain
27 12 FUSELAGE - seatbelt attachment
27 12 FUSELAGE - Q200 firewall cutout
27 12 FUEL SYSTEM - Q2 fuel door location, fuel filler tube
27 12 FUSELAGE - Q2 NACA vent location
27 13 INSTRUMENT - panel installation, LED switches (See issue 30 7 for drawing)
27 13 FLIGHT TEST - Q2 two initial FLIGHT TEST reports
27 14 CANARD - Q2 picture of template for elevator alignment
27 14 ENGINE - Q1 pictures of Rotax installation
27 15 FLYING ROSTER - Q2, Q200
27 17 INSTRUMENT - Q2 pictures of instrument panel installation
28 1 EDITORIAL - Fuel Exhaustion and First Flight crashes
28 2 FIBERGLASS - Information on Dow Flotation Billets
28 3 FLIGHT TEST - Q2 Four initial FLIGHT TEST reports
28 4 FLIGHT TEST - Continued from previous page
28 5 FLIGHT TEST - Continued from previous page
28 6 FINISHING - West Systems, comparison chart for fillers
28 7 ENGINE - Q1 Global report, Onan cooling, Rotax stuck rings
28 8 CRASH - Q2 Bob McFarland's CRASH
28 9 WING - Q2 Marc Waddelow wing layup
28 10 WING - Q2 Marc Waddelow continued
28 11 FLIGHT CONTROLS - CS16 elevator torque tube bolt hole wear
28 11 FLIGHT CONTROLS - CS 15 inboard elevator hinge positioning with LS mod canard
29 1 LITIGATION - QAC Litigation
29 2 LITIGATION - Continued from previous page
29 3 FLIGHT TEST - Gene Sheehan wins CAF 400 in Q200
29 3 ENGINE - Q1 Global engine update
29 4 ENGINE - Q1 Rotax 503 & 447, BMW, Suzuki 440
29 4 PERFORMANCE - Q2 Duane Swing's Top Ten Most Critical Ground Handling Issues
29 5 PERFORMANCE - Continued from previous page
29 6 PILOT PROFILE - Don Johnson from Coventry, England
29 8 FLYING ROSTER - Continued from previous page
29 9 FLYING ROSTER - Continued from previous page
30 2 PERFORMANCE - Q1 Weight Survey of 110 Quickies...avg. wt 292.4 with over half over 294 lb.
30 4 TOOLS - Critical Path Management
30 5 PROPELLER - Prop care notes
30 7 ENGINE - Q2 Cowl flap actuator
30 7 FUSELAGE - Q2 Forward Hinged Canopy with Quick Release
30 8 FUSELAGE - Q2 Continued from previous page
(numbering restarted at issue #1)
1 1 FLIGHT TEST - Editorial by
1 2 MISC - QAC demise and names of others that may be able to provide help
1 3 CRASH - Bill Dvorak's crash - suspected carb heat
1 3 ENGINE - Rotax engines in Quickies
1 4 ENGINE - Rotax engines in Quickies (again)
1 4 FINISHING - Sanding ideas
1 4 FINISHING - Fresh air breathing system for sanding or painting
1 4 EPOXY - Safety precautions for working with composites
1 5 ENGINE - Rotax 503 Quickie flight report by Brock McCaman
1 5 ENGINE - Kawasaki 440A Quickie by Dick Grosvenor
1 5 ENGINE - Kawasaki to Onan Quickie by Art Kreutzer
1 6 FLIGHT TEST - experiences by in Onan Quickie
1 6 ENGINE - Kawasaki Quickie by Art Kreutzer
1 6 ENGINE - Global engine update
1 6 FLIGHT TEST - Bob Giles report on Global powered Quickie
1 6 WHEELES - Quickie with inboard gear by Ed Chalmers
1 6 TAILWHEEL - Homebuilt tailwheel by Henry Gardiner
1 7 ENGINE - Information on Revmaster cylinder shrouds by Tom O'Grady
1 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Tri-Q200 report by Glenn Kuhlman
1 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Tri-Q report by James Langley
1 7 ENGINE - Stromberg Carburetor maintenance issue by Bill Allen
1 8 BRAKES - Floating brake caliper by Mike Peay
1 8 ENGINE - Liquid firewall installation and pull starter for O-200
1 9 CONTROLS - Control stick, Trim & reflexor
1 9 TRI GEAR - Tri gear alignment problem by Jack Dempsey
1 9 TRI GEAR - Bulkhead installation
1 10 PROGRESS REPORT - Pilot profile Tom Gordy - Notes from the first time homebuilder
2 3 FLIGHT TEST - Recommended book on FLIGHT TESTING
2 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Hospitality Club
2 4 TOOLS - Angle finding using carpenter's square
2 5 JIGGING - Insect damage to exposed open tubes
2 5 EPOXY - Cold weather working with Epoxy
2 5 WHEELS - Air check/fill holes in wheel pants
2 5 MATERIAL - X-40 expanding foam - warning about complete cure
2 5 TOOLS - Work tables (jigging and cloth cutting)
2 5 FIBERGLASS - Cutting spar caps so they won't fray
2 5 TOOLS - Method to ensure no plans steps are skipped
2 5 CANOPY - Masking the glass lines
2 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Don't use sloshing compound with auto fuel
2 5 ENGINE - Oil pressure line restricter
2 6 ENGINE - Spark plug options for Onan
2 6 ENGINE - Mosler engine option
2 6 ENGINE - Half Volkswagen engine options
2 6 CRASH - Complete report by Doug Steen of Onan Quickie crash (CO poisoning)
2 7 FLIGHT TEST - Suggested maintenance items for Quickie
2 7 CRASH - Report by Paul Yungen of Onan Quickie crash (electrical)
2 8 ENGINE - Rotax 447 on Quickie
2 7 ENGINE - Complete report on Rotax 503 powered Quickie
2 8 ENGINE - Converting to Rotax engine in Australia
2 8 CRASH - Fatal Q-2 crash (multiple errors)
2 9 ENGINE - Revmaster 2100 problems
2 9 FLIGHT TEST - Report on Q-2 first flight
2 9 BELLY BOARD - Marv Getten on his belly board
2 9 ENGINE - continuous tinkering with the Revmaster
2 10 PROGRESS REPORT - Bob Malechek's Q-200 testing
2 10 ENGINE - Engine cooling with cowling change
2 10 TAILWHEEL - 4 ready made tailwheel
2 10 FUSELAGE - Engine Cowling flange construction
2 11 PROGRESS REPORT - observations from Sun N Fun 1987
3 1 RECORDS - Norm Howell's Quickie record
3 3 ENGINE - Dragon Engine Corporation
3 4 JIGGING - Adjustable Jigging Templates by Allen Kittleson
3 4 PAINT - Spray cans of paint from your local NAPA store
3 4 RADIO - Metallic Coating for radio ground plane
3 4 WHEELS - Toe-in versus toe-out discussion (before a proper fix was found)
3 5 TOOLS - Sanding drum
3 5 EPOXY - Clean up after layups
3 6 CANARD - Alternate elevator trim system
3 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Record breaking flight of the scrounger (humor)
3 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Editorial by on why (or not) to build an airplane
3 9 BRAKES - Safety wire for Brake Pulley
3 9 ENGINE - Onan flywheel balance
3 9 FUSELAGE - Use of router on Quickie fuselage
3 10 FUSELAGE - Quickie front cockpit cover
3 10 TAIL SPRING - Fiberglass wrap on Quickie tailspring
3 10 ENGINE - Rotax engine on a Quickie in New Zealand
3 10 ENGINE - Problems with a Kawasaki engine powered Quickie
3 10 PROGRESS REPORT - Quickie by Paul Wright, London, England
3 11 ENGINE - Drawings for Onan flywheel puller
3 11 ENGINE - Quickie Carb Heat box
3 11 ENGINE - Quickie Onan replaced with a 22HP version
3 12 PROGRESS REPORT - 's report on his crash of a Quickie
3 14 TAIL WHEEL - Ground Angle of attack at the tailwheel
3 14 JIGGING - Sample jig table for stabilizing foam cores
3 14 JIGGING - Measuring wing incidence
3 14 PROGRESS REPORT - Q2 report by Jim Loberger
3 15 TAIL SPRING - Tail spring sleeve by John Touchet
3 15 WHEEL PANTS - Glassing suggestion to speed assembly
3 15 PROGRESS REPORT - Revmaster Q2 by Jack Harvey
3 16 PROGRESS REPORT - Cross country trip by Alan Schaffter
3 17 FUEL SYSTEM - Gas filler port
3 17 TRI-GEAR - Several reports on satisfaction of Tri-Q conversions
3 17 PROGRESS REPORT - John Groff's problems with a partially built kit
3 18 PROGRESS REPORT - Steve Kuhns descriptions of his Q2
3 18 PROGRESS REPORT - Jerry Barker's report and questions about the Q2
3 20 PROGRESS REPORT - M. Moreau's report on first flights
3 20 CANOPY - Second latch required for the forward hinged canopy
3 20 PROGRESS REPORT - Dennis Rose's C-85 powered Q2 description before flight
3 21 EPOXY - Masal Sermon on using shortcuts like old epoxy
3 21 JIGGING - Fuselage jig on a separate sheet of plywood to save shop space
4 (Issues 3 & 4 were combined into a double issue)
5 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Report from Oshkosh 1987 (18 Q's attended)
5 3 FUSELAGE - Name of original builder of Q2 fuselages for QAC
5 4 FLIGHT TEST - Warnings about inexperienced pilots in Qs
5 4 FUEL SYSTEM - Automatic header tank fuel pump switch
5 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Q-200 by Glen Lowe
5 5 CRASH - Main wing failure crash of a Q-200
5 5 TOOLS - Description of the Dremel and it's uses
5 6 ENGINE - Cowling Attachment using piano wire
5 6 TAIL WHEEL - tension on rudder cables to reduce tailwheel vibration
5 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Paul Wright's Global powered Quickie
5 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Jim Prell's Suzuki powered Quickie
5 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Write up in Sport Aviation on Norm Howell's Quickie
5 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Excellent description of Onan Quickie issues by Harry Buskey
5 7 ELECTRICAL - Ideas on Battery Box
5 7 ENGINE - Scott Swing's Q-200 - oil sump cooling w/o oil cooler
5 8 ENGINE - A whole page of people's problems with Revmasters
5 8 ENGINE - Paul Howe's report of a Rex Taylor Revmaster forum at OSH
5 8 FUEL SYSTEM - Clamps on fuel lines and a simple sight gauge idea
5 9 ENGINE - O-200 starter options (some work, some don't)
5 9 ELEVATOR - phenolic bearings for elevators by Emil Mirsepasy
5 9 CANOPY - Warning about the plans hinge
5 9 FIBERGLASS - Wing Layup idea
6 3 ELECTRICAL - Quickie Electrical system and battery care
6 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Pilot Profile of Jim Prell
6 5 CONTROLS - Warning of flutter in tube-in-tube joints (ailerons & elevators)
6 5 TOOLS - Digital scale for weighing epoxy
6 5 PAINT - Dupont Fisheye Eliminator
6 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Toluene in auto gas warning on epoxy fuel tanks
6 5 EPOXY - Cold weather layups
6 5 BRAKES - Glassing the nylaflow tubing in the wheel pants
6 5 EPOXY - Suggestions on layups in slot cores
6 5 TOOLS - Stationary belt sander and Air tools
6 6 PROGRESS REPORT - reports on Jim Prell's Suzuki Quickie
6 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Roger Wheeler's Kawasaki powered Quickie
6 6 ENGINE - Onan sagging on Quickie and oil breather spring trick
6 7 CANARD - Vortex Generators
6 7 ENGINE - Onan engine cooling
6 7 CRASH - Tailspring breaking (again)
6 7 BRAKES - Quickie brake shoes and strap for brake handle
6 7 WHEELS - Bob Malechek's experiences with wheel changes
6 7 CANARD - LS-1 canard transition around the carbon spar
6 8 FUEL SYSTEM - Fuel tank construction tips
6 8 FUSELAGE - Suggestions for Airworthiness Directives (foam eaten by gas)
6 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Mike Dwyer's Q-200 - engine start and reflexor use
6 8 PROGRESS REPORT - John Schnackel's Q2 - Description of early flights and problems
6 9 CRASH - Sam Hoskins Q-200 crash and re-build
6 10 UPHOLSTERY - Description of building the seat pads
6 12 RIGGING - Pictures of aileron trim by John Derr
6 12 ENGINE - Picture of dual throttle rig
7 2 PROPELLER - source for prop extension
7 2 CANOPY - source for canopy latches
7 2 TAILWHEEL - source for tailwheel
7 3 EPOXY - West System recommendation
7 3 CANARD - History, Voyager and vortex generators
7 4 PAINT - tips on stripping
7 5 PAINT - garage paint-booth setup
7 5 CANARD - finishing elevator torque-tube access holes
7 5 CANARD - warning about foam and autogas
7 5 CANARD - warning about FUEL SYSTEM Icing Inhibitor
7 5 CANARD - extension for rivet puller
7 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Tank sealer
7 5 CANARD - level boards, angle of attack and outside templates
7 5 CANOPY - source for canopy latches
7 6 CONTROLS - recommendation for using taper pins
7 6 CONTROLS - one way of making stick grip
7 6 FIBERGLASS - secure tapes by sewing before installation
7 7 FUSELAGE - stiffener around mag. box
7 8 REVMASTER - 64hp Revmaster, heads and collar sleeve
7 8 CARBURETOR - POSA, lean mixture and 3/8in fuel lines
7 8 REVMASTER - Revmaster exhaust
7 8 FUSELAGE - NACA inlet placement
7 8 RUDDER - right rudder cable placement
7 8 CONTROLS - stick modification
7 8 CONTROLS - reflexer modifications
7 8 FUSELAGE - seat back bulkhead placement and repair
7 9 ENGINE - cooling and oil pan shroud
7 9 FUEL SYSTEM - venting and ram air
7 10 FUEL SYSTEM - fuel valve handle extension
7 10 CANAPY - source of canopy seals
8 1 PERFORMANCE - pilot's experiences and recommendations for landing
8 2 CANARD - sparrow strainer angle of attack
8 2 ENGINE - baffle construction and placement
8 2 FUEL SYSTEM - various recommendations
8 3 FUSELAGE - DZUS fasteners on cowl
8 3 PERFORMANCE - hand-prop how-to
8 3 REVMASTER - Revmaster info, Locktite carb. screws, lube mag impulse coupling
8 4 FUEL SYSTEM - recommendation for 3/8 lines and other improvements
8 4 ENGINE - O-200 pull starter instructions
8 4 FUEL SYSTEM - fuel tank water drain location
8 4 FUEL SYSTEM - fuel tank tunnel and air vents
8 4 FUSELAGE - detailed fuselage rigging instructions
8 5 FUEL SYSTEM - MOGAS and epoxy absorption test
8 5 EPOXY - warning about modeling clay as fixturing tool
8 5 RUDDER - diagram of larger rudder
8 6 TAILWHEEL - long article on improvements to the tailwheel/tailspring
8 7 CANARD - Q1 additions to LS1 canard plans via Sheehan->Crouch
8 8 PROPELLER - Q1 experience with Great American
8 8 ENGINE - Q1 experience with Onan
8 8 CANARD - Q1 vortex generators
8 8 PERFORMANCE - Q1 takeoff techniques
8 8 ENGINE - Q1 several ONAN articles
8 10 WHEEL PANTS - adjusted camber when loaded on ground
9 2 PERFORMANCE - videotape available
9 2 HOT WIRING - thin sections and the importance of weights
9 3 CANARD - vortex generator application template
9 3 EPOXY - allergy rash and double-gloving
9 4 CRASH - ditching in a dragonfly
9 5 CRASH - Q-200 Canadian crash report - main wing foam failure
9 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Q1 with metal fuel tank
9 5 CRASH - Q1 Kawasaki 440A clutch failure
9 6 CANAPY - Q1 canopy ejection system
9 6 CANARD - Q1 - glass torque tube to elevator rather than micro
9 6 ENGINE - Engine mount backing plates deformed after 200 hrs
9 7 FUEL SYSTEM - experience with static discharge, putting in static ground
9 7 INSTRUMENT - Pitot tube placement
9 7 ENGINE - Champion REM 37 BY plugs - shorter, hotter
9 7 TAILWHEEL - bearings need lube
9 7 CONTROLS - PAM for phenolic grease
9 7 FUEL SYSTEM plans for serviceable sight gauges
9 8 PROPELLOR - experience with TriQ, 75hp Revmaster, Crowley and DeMuth prop.
9 8 REFLEXOR - experience and recommendations landing with reflexor and Revmaster
9 8 CANARD - experience with vortex generators
9 8 RUDDER - experience after adding 2 to rudder
9 8 FLIGHT TEST - landing technique recommendations
9 8 TAILWHEEL - modified tailwheel setup, pedals to rudder, springs to tailwheel
9 9 CANARD - observation of aileron-elevator linkage in Q200
9 10 CANARD - post-cure oven description
9 10 FUSELAGE - bending longerons
9 10 FUSELAGE - joining fuselage shells
10 3 CANARD - experience with vortex generators. Comments on performance, cleaning
10 3 REVMASTER - operating experience
10 4 CRASH - high density altitude, did not lean, broke canard on takeoff
10 4 ENGINE - info on Spirolock (self-locking threads) taps
10 4 ENGINE - warning about increasing loads on valve train by using bigger springs
10 5 WIRING - recommendation to use un-insulated connectors and cover them with shrink tubing
10 6 PAINT - experience with Zolatone in cockpit
10 6 FUSELAGE - tip to cut access holes in console side pieces
10 6 RIGGING - experience in using pulley for belly-board
10 6 BRAKES - instructions on floating disks to reduce noise and wear
10 6 PERFORMANCE - explanation of why GU canard noses down in rain
10 6 MAIN WING - load test results of Waddelow lay-up
10 6 CANARD - load test results of Waddelow lay-up
10 7 FUSELAGE - description of fuselage jigging and trimming
10 7 FUSELAGE - long description of mounting main fuel tank
10 8 CANARD - preparing for canard lay-up, embedded antennas, keeping trailing edge straight
10 8 MAIN WING - tips on preparing for main wing lay-up, tip on keeping trailing edge straight
10 8 FIBERGLASS - tips on preparing and slurring foam
10 8 WHEEL PAINTS - extensive tips on making and mounting the wheel paints
10 8 MAIN WING - tips on shoulder harness mounts
10 8 FUSELAGE - tips on fuel tank drain insert
10 9 CANOPY - details of alternative forward hinged canopy
11 1 PERFORMANCE - table of performance numbers from Oshkosh airplanes
11 3 REVMASTER - discussion of registered letter to Horvath, picture of engine with cracks
11 4 REVMASTER - carb returned from Revmaster with new needle
11 4 FUSELAGE - report of SN2884 bought in Aug. '84
11 5 ENGINE - C-85 installed and working
11 5 ENGINE - updraft cooling report
11 5 CANARD - report of TriQ carbon fiber Weishaar canard design with names and address
11 5 CANARD - description of Waddelow canard construction in progress...
11 6 EPOXY - rebuild kit for Sticky Stuff Dispenser available
11 6 PAINT - feather-fill like material called Awl-Fair
11 7 BRAKES - discussion from Cleveland brakes about non-floating caliper brake systems
11 7 ENGINE - Q1 Rotax timing discussed by Norm Howell
11 8 ENGINE - extensive article on fitting Rotax 503 to Q1
11 8 FUEL SYSTEM - fixing leaks in a Q1
11 9 CRASH - ground loop, Q1 for sale
11 10 WHEELS - picture of Q1 with inboard mains
11 10 CRASH - Q1 first flight, off airport landing, incidence wrong, for sale
11 10 WHEELS - discussion of why Q1 builder went to inboard gear
11 11 PERFORMANCE - pilot/builder report of Q1 after several years of flying
11 11 TAILWHEEL - builders solution to keep ground angle of attack after changing tailwheel
11 11 CANOPY - canopy too tight after paint
11 11 REVMASTER - discussion of Revmaster spin-on oil filter vs. Fram
11 12 REVMASTER - alternate spin-on oil filters
11 12 REVMASTER - alternate voltage regulator from Kawasaki
11 12 REVMASTER - alternate to Revmaster toilet paper oil filter
11 12 BRAKES - design of floating caliper Hurst/Airheart brakes by Bob LaRue
11 13 REVMASTER - discussion of high oil temp and oil pump with extra hole
11 14 TRI-GEAR - shimmy problems and solutions
11 14 ENGINE - Oil cooler fabricated with length of tubing
11 14 ENGINE - discussion of remote mounted Fram oil filter kit
12 1 PERFORMANCE - details of beverage consumption at wine and cheese party
12 2 PROGRESS REPORT - details of changes needed after changing engine
12 3 PERFORMACE - advice on first flight landing
12 3 PILOT PROFILE - Mitch Strong but mother June Strong
12 3 PROPELLOR - importance of re-torqueing prop
12 4 REVMASTER - high oil temp and oil pump with extra hole (re-pasted in correct order)
12 4 ENGINE - Q1 with Rotax 503 and air filters sticking out of cowl
12 4 ENGINE - Q1 with Rotax 503, differences in carburetor dimensions
12 4 WIRING - Q1 alternator connection failed at master switch due to vibration
12 5 ENGINE - Q1 Rotax 447 engine mount details
12 5 ENGINE - Q1 cowl air exhaust open up, used Naugahide on panel. Pictures
12 6 FIBERGLASS - use nitrate paint on cut edges to hold shape
12 6 REVMASTER - mixture control needs 120 degs. of travel
12 6 CANARD - move elevator outboard to avoid interference with fuselage
12 6 CANARD - use irrigation tubing to route brake lines through the slot core
12 6 ENGINE - details of swing-away O-200 engine mount from Bill Bertrand
12 7 CONTROLS - details of right side stick mount by Ron Whetsten.
12 8 SPINNER - experience with and without spinner front plate. Picture
12 8 CONTROLS - description of roll trim using elevator push-tubes with parts list.
12 8 FUEL SYSTEM - description of overflow tube to keep fuel off outside of aircraft
12 9 PERFORMANCE - gets more airspeed with full up reflexer
12 9 TRI-GEAR - nose wheel can strike prop if it rotates 180 degs. Stop installed.
12 9 CANARD - measure relative incidence between canard, main wing and ground
12 9 MAIN WING - measure relative incidence between canard, main wing and ground
12 10 INSTRUMENT - discussion and picture of Falkiner's panel
12 10 CONTROLS - bend elevator push-tubes to clear tank. Use 20-24T6
12 10 ENGINE - discussion of flying O-235 in a Q bird (Q-235?)
12 10 PROPELLER - numbers on DeMuth prop in a Q-2
12 10 ENGINE - details of pull-starter installation with an O-200
13 4 CRASH - Depicts post-details of crash/water landing
13 5 FINISHING - Q-Tips highlights surface prep & finishing
13 5 FUSELAGE - Using phenolic to mount fuselage hardware
13 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Alan MacFarland details work-up to first flight
13 8 TAIL SPRING - Q1 Tail spring replacement by Harry Buskey
13 10 INSTRUMENT - Tachometer calibration check
14 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Update from our British QBA'ers
14 4 INSTRUMENT - Instrument Panel layout using AutoSketch software
14 7 HOT WIRING - Diagram showing jigging for final cuts
14 8 FUEL SYSTEM - Good description and photos of Header tank and lines
14 9 BRAKES - Description of converting to floating disc brake system
14 10 ENGINE - Criticality of good baffling is discussed
15 3 RUDDER - Cable routing caution; tailwheel first
15 5 VORTEX GENERATORS - Fabrication and installation details
15 6 TAILWHEEL - Installation of conventional tailwheel assembly
15 7 RUDDER - Construction Photos and tips
15 10 JIGGING - Tips to prevent twisting of wing or canard cores
16 3 FIBERGLASS - Editor's note on criticality of replacing Vs repairing
16 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Update on Q200 N2AM after hour 1 of FLIGHT TESTING
16 4 RUDDER - Describes fix for dual rudder set-up
16 4 TAIL SPRING - Good tail spring photo prior to installation
16 5 CANARD - Describes cooling inlet mods with LS-1 installation
16 5 ENGINE - Detailed installation of Global engine on Q1
16 9 CRASH - Comments from Oshkosh 88 Homebuilt seminar re: Q-bird prangs
17 1 PERFORMANCE - Performance numbers from Oshkosh 99 attendees
17 3 INSTRUMENT - Schematic for circuit to suppress alternator noise
17 5 PERFORMANCE - Initial performance numbers from TRI-Q200 N87TQ
17 5 INSTRUMENT - Information and description on Digital Compass
17 6 FIBERGLASS - Fix for protecting surfaces from leaking fuel lines
17 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Update on Q200 conversion for kit#2082
17 7 CANOPY - Modification to emergency canopy quick release assembly
17 8 PERFORMANCE - Numbers on TRI-Q200 owned by Glen Lowe, Salinas CA
17 8 FINISHING - Tip on adding isopropyl alcohol to epoxy/micro for filling
17 10 BRAKES - Details, sketches and photos of wheel/tire & brake assembly
18 2 VORTEX GENERATORS - VG's made from arrow shaft feathers - easy to clean
18 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Update comments for Q2 from Manny Lewis, Scotia NY
18 4 CONTROLS - Recommends mounting elevator hinges prior to mating canard with fuselage
18 4 ENGINE - How to construct and install remote oil filter on O200
18 5 ENGINE - Photos and description for constructing engine mount/mag box
18 6 ENGINE - Commercially available remote oil filter for O200/C85
18 8 CHECKLISTS - Q-200 checklist from Bob MacFarland
18 10 FLIGHT TEST - Detailed step-by-step checklist for initial flight testing
19 3 PARACHUTE - BRS system being installed on Quickie w/name & ph #
19 4 CARBURETOR - Walbro Corp Auto Start Sys for 2 cycle engines
19 4 PROGRESS REPORT - detailed FLIGHT TEST by Barry Q. Weber
19 6 FIREWALL - removed lower 3 of firewall for cooling on Q2
19 7 CARBURETOR - insulated heat wrap for exhaust to aid in cooling\vapor lock
19 7 REVMASTER - Turbo City (resource for turbochargers)
19 7 PAINT - info on plastic bead sand blasting
19 8 RIGGING - 503 Rotax elevator adjustment for torque by Jinx Hawks
19 8 ROTAX - gear ratio suggestions by Norm Howell
19 9 FIBERGLASS - detailed discussion of cloth width for spar caps
19 10 CRASH - Q2 in Zephyrhills, FL
20 1 ENGINE - 0-235 discussion by Quentin Durham
20 3 RIGGING - sparrow strainer on Q200 by Charlie Belshe
20 3 CRASH - catastrophic wing failure discussion
20 4 WHEELS - tail wheel configuration by Ed Krantz
20 5 CRASH - Tri Q landed short
21 4 ENGINE - don't use supplied clear tubing for crankcase venting-Mike Dwyer
21 4 PERFORMANCE - glide speed calculations-Mike Dwyer
21 4 INSTRUMENT - Loran C install tips by Mike Dwyer
21 5 FLIGHT TEST - run up and 1st flight tips Doyle/Weishaar
21 6 BRAKES - building frame for floating calipers on 3/8 bolts
21 6 TAILWHEEL - tips for improving
21 6 ENGINE - Tony Bengelis air scoop lowers temp f/215 to 190
21 7 ONAN - one page Onan story by Harry Buskey
21 8 ONAN - engine swap report by Steve Eckrich
21 9 BRAKES - differential C150 pedals & brakes on Q2
21 9 ENGINE - Vapor lock on Q2 Revmaster
21 9 PANEL - wiring suggestions for easy panel removal
21 9 WIRING - ignition noise wiped out Unicom freq., why and how to fix
21 9 RIGGING - control mods to Q2/how to redrill holes & make custom fit bolts
21 10 CRASH - almost, due to wind shear
22 4 REPORT - Barry Weber on entering Jackpot 120 in Nevada
22 4 BRAKES - Hurst disc sys design by Quentin Durham for his Q235
22 6 CONTROLS - nice sounding easy method for hole drilling align in tubing
22 8 REPORT - Tri Q200 gets off the ground & statistics
22 9 TAILWHEEL - nice cad drawing for tailwheel design
22 9 WIRING - nice cad drawing for mag hookup
22 10 CRASH - pitch buck after takeoff by Dan Judge\MT
23 1 FIBERGLASS - tips from research & development engineer w/ph #
23 1 ONAN - retrofit using one of 1st Onans sold by QAC
23 2 RIGGING - surprise findings during inspection on elevator
23 3 FUEL SYSTEM - add 3 to front tank temp for 18.7 gallons w/picture
23 3 JIGGING - nice pic of alternate adjustable main fuse jig w/how to build
23 4 ENGINE - nice pic & description of Bertrand extended O200 mount by John Groff
23 5 SPINNERS - how to improve attachment on Q1 spinner by Masal
23 5 FUSELAGE - nice suggestion for glove box addition w/drawing
23 6 ROTAX - important firewall reinforcement suggestions for 503 install
24 2 FLIGHT TEST - Q200 first flight by Larry Koutz
24 3 ENGINE O-200 - changing engine oil screen suggestions
24 3 FLIGHT TEST - Consideration for first flight by Jack Harvey
24 4 MAIN Wing - cheap device for accurate setting of wing and canard incidence
24 5 FLIGHT TEST - Q1 FLIGHT TEST by Ted Kibiuk
24 6 ROTAX - Two different engine mount diagrams for 447 and 503
24 7 ROTAX - 447 install report by Martin Burns
24 7 FIBERGLASS - Q1 spanwise stiffener for Argentina grass strips
24 8 CRASH - homebuilder liability discussion by Ray Isherwood
24 9 INSTRUMENT - tips for compass alignment
24 9 CRASH - very first Q2 Gary LeGare's Fatso pilot error in Edmonton
25 1 CONTROLS - Outboard elevator pins lock nuts loose.
25 1 RIGGING - Re-mounting changing canard 5/8 ( 1 1/2 degrees ) nose up
25 2 ENGINE - Revmaster oil cooler leaks.
25 2 RUDDER - Nicropress sleeve slipped.
25 2 CONTROLS - Pitch change in rain.
25 3 BRAKES - Modified floating caliper mounting.
25 4 ENGINE - O-200-Oil filter. El Reno Aviation
25 4 ENGINE - O-200-Engine cooling.
25 4 SPINNERS - Cracking.
25 5 PILOT Profile - Marion E. Brown + First Flight
25 7 RIGGING - Re-mounting changing canard angle of incidence.
25 8 ENGINE - BMW 2 cylinder
25 8 ROTAX - 503 installing CDI ignition.
25 8 ENGINE - Hirth F-23
25 9 ROTAX - Carb jetting and RPM
25 10 JIGGING - Main wing support during lay-up. Use blue foam.
25 11 FIBERGLASS - Wet out tapes on plastic sheeting.
26 1 PROGRESS REPORTS - Builder input at time of renewals.
26 3 TIE DOWNS - Removable for canard.
26 4 EPOXY - Use vinyl esters in fuel tanks.
26 4 FOAM - Joining blocks for main wing and canard.
26 4 FUEL SYSTEM - Poor seal at fuel door.
26 4 FUEL SYSTEM - Vapor Lock in fuel lines.
26 5 SEAT Belts - Soaked in gas.
26 5 MATERIAL - Attaching misc. fittings to fiberglass.
26 6 BRAKES - Quickie scrubber brakes
26 6 ROTAX - Engine hints
26 7 ROTAX - Drawing of Jinx Hawks Rotax engine mount.
26 9 ROTAX - 503 mount.
26 9 EPOXY - Vinyl Ester used in fuel tanks.
26 10 TRI-GEAR - Retrofit to existing aircraft.
27 3 ENGINE - O-200-Fiberglass engine baffles by John Groff (pictures)
27 4 FIBERGLASS - Don't use automotive trouble light near layups.
27 5 VACUUM BAGGING - Gas pump and motor, lower cost.
27 7 FLIGHT TEST - Paul Fisher first flight.
27 8 BRAKES - Caliper mounting plates with diagrams.
27 10 ROTAX - Engine mount drawings. Hawks/McCaman
27 11 ROTAX - Engine mount drawings. Hawks/McCaman
28 2 TAIL WHEEL - Use tri-gear nose fork (picture)
28 2 RUDDER - Intermediate bell crank behind split.
28 2 TAIL SPRING - Modify spring rod.
28 2 CRASH - Max Stupar
28 3 REFLEXOR - Usage and c.g. changes.
28 3 FUEL SYSTEM - Fuel in ram air line.
28 3 RUDDER - Fix for rudder wobble.
28 4 COWLING - Access door for checking oil.
28 5 CONTROLS - Electrically adjustable sparrow strainers.
28 6 ROTAX - Considerations Hawks/McCaman.
28 7 ONAN - Block sanding & lapping on flat surface.
28 8 ROTAX - Operational hints.
28 9 ENGINE - Briggs&Stratton for Quickie
29 3 EPOXY - Composite Tips.
29 3 JIGGING - Helium neon laser to align wheel pants.
29 4 BRAKES - Go-cart drum brakes on Quickie
29 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Transfer pump and boost pump.
29 6 FUSELAGE - Corrosion inspection.
29 8 FUEL SYSTEM - Inspect plastic cap.
29 8 BRAKES - Correction to caliper mounting stud.
29 8 RECORDS - Annual Inspection Checklist Sam Hoskins
30 2 ENGINE - Oil leaks in VW
30 2 ENGINE - VW Cooling Baffles
30 2 WHEELS - Cheng Shin 4.00x5 tires
30 3 FIBERGLASS - Keeping fibers aligned
30 3 ENGINE - Test Stand
30 3 ENGINE - VW Baffling
30 4 FUEL SYSTEM - Leak testing tanks.
30 4 FUSELAGE - Cabin Venting
30 5 ENGINE - Swing away mount 0-200
30 6 ROTAX - Engine mount diagram Ed Miller
30 7 PROGRESS REPORTS - Q1 Ted Kibiuk #508
30 8 CANARD - 5 degrees of twist
30 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Paul Fisher
30 9 CANOPY - How to replace broken one.
30 10 PROGRESS REPORT - Larry Koutz
30 10 FLIGHT TEST - Jon Finley
31 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Loberger Q-2.
31 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Kriech Q-2.
31 2 FLIGHT TEST - Howe Q-2.
31 3 ENGINE - Cowl mods and fiberglass baffling.
31 3 FLIGHT TEST - Peay Q-2.
31 4 FLIGHT TEST - Faulkiner Q-2.
31 4 ENGINE - details on oil cooler, baffling, clearances, vapor lock, etc.
31 4 FUEL SYSTEM - Discussion on fuel tank solar heating and insulation.
31 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Mokrys Q-2.
31 5 WHEEL Pants - Brief discussion on main gear axle alignment.
31 5 PERFORMANCE - Varga Tri-Q speeds.
31 5 PROGRESS REPORT - North Q-200.
31 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Warrick Q-2.
31 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Cartledge Q-200.
31 6 RIGGING - Make sure bolts for the elevator torque tubes are tight.
31 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Meyers Q-2.
31 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Bryan Q-2.
31 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Rose Tri-Q200.
31 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Loram Q-2.
31 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Pearson Q-1.
31 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Gall Q-1.
31 7 RIGGING - Modification of AN bolts is dangerous!
31 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Anderson Q-1.
31 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Barttrum Q-1.
31 9 PROGRESS REPORT - Charlton Q-1.
31 9 PROGRESS REPORT - Hardy Q-1.
31 9 ENGINE - Some points on Rotax installations in a Q-1.
32 2 SPINNER - Prevent cracked spinner glue a strip of rubber to prop opening.
32 4 ENGINE - Carburetor over heating due to cowl modification.
32 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Jerome Q-2.
32 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Barker Q-2.
32 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Menke Q-1.
32 5 CONTROLS - Plans for a homebuilt electric elevator trim system.
32 6 REVMASTER - Problems associated with the engine.
32 6 CRASH - Sobay Tri-Q2.
32 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Halloran Tri-Q2.
32 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Hanson Q-2.
32 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Kofler Q-2.
32 8 FLIGHT TEST - Merrill Q-2.
32 8 EXHAUST System - Rapid deterioration of many Revmaster exhaust systems.
32 8 WHEELS - Discussion on axle alignment and control issues.
32 9 PROGRESS REPORT - Martinez Q-200.
32 9 CONTROLS - Throttle quadrant. Replacing plastic knobs with turned metal ones.
32 9 FUSELAGE - Access door in center console for maintenance of stick.
32 9 CANOPY - Provides part numbers of pneumatic strut mounting ball studs.
32 10 CRASH - Starnes Q1.
32 10 PROGRESS REPORT - Fisher Q-1.
32 10 Finishing - Cover a micro filled area with dry micro balloons to make sanding easier.
32 10 Propeller - Prince computer matched Onan with a 53 x 53 propeller.
33 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Jewett Q-200.
33 2 FUEL SYSTEM - Engine quit when header tank ram-air/vent line clogged with fuel.
33 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Medley Tri-Q200.
33 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Cline Tri-Q200.
33 3 REVMASTER - Returning heads to Revmaster for valve & seat replacement
33 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Nack Q-2.
33 3 FUEL SYSTEM - Not installing fuel squeeze bulb is wrong thinking.
33 4 PROGRESS REPORT - McAndrew Tri-Q235.
33 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Farnum Q-200.
33 4 CANARD - Report on rain effects on LS-1 canard.
33 5 CONTROLS - Modified elevator control by joining elevator torque tubes and control rods. 33 5 CONTROLS - Custom pitch, yaw and roll trim systems installed (pictures).
33 5 ELECTRICAL - Battery box located at FS120. Description of mod with pictures.
33 6 FUSELAGE - How to make a map box with pictures.
33 6 PANEL - How to stiffen instrument panel and make a dash cover.
33 8 REVMASTER - Heads cracked at 380 hours, oil leaks at push rod tubes.
33 8 PILOT Profile - Jim Kibiuk.
33 9 PROPELLER - Effects of prop pitch changes on roll control (Q-1).
33 9 ENGINE - Use of synthetic oil caused multiple leaks.
33 9 ENGINE - Two essential tips for Rotax 503 use in Q-1s.
33 10 PROGRESS REPORT - Laubsch Q-1.
33 10 PERFORMANCE - Q-1 pilot, GU canard says rain will down aircraft w/o Vortex Generators.
33 10 TIRES - Address for a distributor of the Cheng Shin tires.
33 11 FUSELAGE - Joe Stremel, Denver, CO has original molds for the Q2 fuselage.
33 11 CANARD - Possible lead on the LS-1 carbon fiber spar tool and spars.
33 11 SPINNER - Carbon fiber spinner from Composite Aircraft Components.
33 11 JIGGING - Q-1 ground angle of attack should be 7.5 to 7.75 degrees.
33 11 JIGGING - Q-2 ground angle of attack measurement procedure is defined.
34 2 CANARD/MAIN WING - glass to foam delamination, Testing, Repair techniques
34 3 CONTROLS - Elevator bushing wear. Replacing with brass bushings annually
34 3 REVMASTER - Cracked case at 280 hours.
34 4 FUEL SYSTEM - Suggested FUEL SYSTEM especially for Q-200.
34 5 EPOXY - Skin sensitivity turned out to be from the latex gloves.
34 5 CANARD - Hold-off mounting canard until later in process.
34 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Cooper Q-200.
34 5 WEIGHT & BALANCE - IBM based program to do W&B for Q-2/200.
34 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Johnson Q-1.
34 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Wells Q-235.
34 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Greatrex Q-200.
34 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Clarke Tri-Q200.
34 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Brandenburger Q-2.
34 8 INSTRUMENT - Manifold pressure gauge attributes and uses.
34 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Mackenzie Q-2.
34 8 CONTROLS - Elevator torque tube attachment modification including pictures.
34 9 TOOLS - Replace seals in epoxy pump with Viton seals (Small Parts, Inc.)
34 9 TIRES - Source in LA., CA for direct purchase of tires.
35 5 SPINNER - Aluminum sheet with small diameter hose around for FWD bulkhead of spinner.
35 5 CRASH - Groff Q-200 ran out of fuel in header tank with full main.
35 6 PROPELLER - Warp Drive Vs Aymar-Demuth on a Q-200.
35 6 FUEL SYSTEM - Use of auto gas with an O-200.
35 6 PERFORMANCE - Rotax 503 powered Q-1.
35 6 PROPELLER - Precision propeller on a Rotax 503 powered Q-1.
35 6 ENGINE - Rotax 503 jets and settings discussed.
35 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Durham Q-235.
35 7 FINISHING - Extensive article on finishing techniques.
36 2 CRASH - Short Q-2 power loss due to mal-adjusted carburetor.
36 3 REVMASTER - 3 sets of heads, bad valve seats. New heads fixed problems.
36 3 REVMASTER - 3 sets of heads. Poor support by Revmaster.
36 3 TAILSPRING - 5 broken tailsprings to date.
36 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Barlow Tri-Q2.
36 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Lockwood Tri-Q2.
36 4 CARBURETOR - Revflo carb causing the engine to load-up in the mid-range.
36 4 FIBERGLASS - Using drywall tape to maintain weave straightness.
36 5 ENGINE - Cowling mods that reduced cylinder head temperatures.
36 5 FUSELAGE - Keep top and bottom of fuselage separate for as long as possible
36 5 CANOPY - Better way to fit canopy.
36 5 ENGINE - Rotax 582 installation and performance in a Q-1.
36 7 ENGINE - Rotax 503 carburetor settings and jets.
36 7 ENGINE - Added 2 1/8O to the Rotax exhaust and improved power.
36 7 ENGINE - performance associated with several Rotax gearbox and propeller combinations.
36 7 ENGINE - New 24 HP Onan engine on the market.
36 7 CANARD - Arrow fletchings make great vortex generators.
36 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Homsley Q1.
36 8 FINISHING - Do not wipe down foam filled surfaces with solvents. will dissolve foam
36 8 PERFORMANCE - O-235 engine in a Q-235.
36 8 FINISHING - A flap-wheel with plastic bristles, effective as sandblasting, without mess.
36 8 WHEEL PANTS - Inboard landing gear, ala DFly Mk 2, works great.
36 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Kuhlman/Dirks Q2.
36 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Derr Tri-Q.
36 10 CONTROLS - How to make an adjustable mass balance weight (w/ drawing).
36 11 CANARD - A unique method for installing the canard using a custom sling.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Weber Q-200.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Dixon Q-2.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Nelson Q-2.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Bertrand Q-2.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Porter Q-2.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Schuckler Q-2.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Pettit Q-1.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Angelo Q-1.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Kibiuk Q-1.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Varga Tri-Q2.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Martinez Q-200.
37 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Young Q-1.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Granzella Q-2.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Polander Q-200.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Davis Q-2.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Greenwood Tri-Q200.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Blevins Q-2.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Brown Q-2.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Collier Q-200.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Zimmerman Q-2.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Kisthard Q-2.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Lowder Q-2.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Marstall Q-2.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Starns Q-1.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Nack Q-2.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Wilcox Q-2.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Hogan Tri-Q.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Butler Tri-Q.
37 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Buell Q-2.
37 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Craft Q-2.
37 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Ahler Q-2.
37 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Fairchild Q-2.
37 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Doyle Q-2.
37 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Fisher Q-1.
37 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Jackson Q-200.
37 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Drake Tri-Q.
37 3 CANARD - Skin de-bonding; How to check for it and how to fix it.
37 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Laubsch Q-1.
37 5 CRASH - Falkiner Q-2 and associated canard damage.
37 5 SPRING GEAR - Faulkiner's modified Q-2 with spring-type gear.
37 7 PILOT PROFILE - Earnest Martin.
37 7 CRASH - Martin Tri-Q.
38 2 BELLY BOARD - stock belly board from Velocity kit.
38 2 REVMASTER - Cooling problems.
38 2 FUEL SYSTEM - Plumbing.
38 2 LIGHTING - Information on landing lights.
38 4 CANARD - Half page on method used to mount elevator (slots are already in place).
38 4 ELECTRICAL - Switch ratings AC/DC Don't use AC switches instead of DC ones.
38 5 FIBERGLAS - Removing fuzzies around hole in kevlar
38 5 INSTRUMENTS - Micro Encoder kit, Multi-functional display.
38 6 FUEL - Oxygenated fuel Oxygenated auto fuel creates muck leading to filter clogging
38 7 FUSELAGE - Picture of forward opening canopy mechanism
38 7 FLIGHT TEST - Report of first flight.
38 7 CANARD - Vortex generators.
38 7 ENGINE - cooling baffling using BID shroud.
38 8 TRI GEAR - Availability from Scott & Duane Swing.
38 9 FUEL SYSTEM - Install engine driven fuel pump on 0-200 with vacuum pump
38 9 FUEL SYSTEM - Auxiliary fuel tank installation in baggage compartment.
39 3 BALLISTIC CHUTE - Harold Drake has installed a ballistic chute in his Tri-Q.
39 3 ENGINE - Slick 50. Gained 200rpm at idle and engine seemed to run smoother at 2600rpm.
39 3 ENGINE - Onan cowling.
39 3 INSTRUMENTS - ELT antenna installation.
39 4 CRASH - Onan problem.
39 4 PROPS - Developing a constant speed electric prop. TBO 900 hrs 101
39 4 REVMASTER - Q2 performance with 65hp Revmaster Details about max speeds
39 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Leaks and location.
39 5 ENGINE (Q1) - Hirth installation.
39 6 SPARROW STRAINER - Glass sparrow strainers properly.
39 6 ELEVATOR - add dowels to elevator to prevent flexing between torque tube and foam.
39 6 TEST FLIGHT - report on flying Tri-Q200. Aileron trim is a 'high fatigue item'...
39 6 RUDDER - Area and effectivity.
39 6 TIRES - Cheng-Shin replacements.
39 6 REVMASTER - Oil leak.
39 7 SANDING - Be careful using a belt sander on the wing/canard
39 7 REVMASTER - Plug thread replacement. Exhaust replacement.
39 7 RECORDS - Keep photocopy of log books. Consequences of loss.
39 7 CANARD - Resetting angle of attack.
39 8 TOOLS - Caution. Jon Finley used an orbital sander to remove paint .
39 8 PROP - One way to refinish a wooden propeller..
39 8 ENGINE - Rotax engine failures, maintenance.
40 2 PROP - Jim Doyle is using 3-blade Warp drive prop on his Q-2(?) Has nickel leading edges
40 2 ELECTRICAL - lightweight starters for 0-200 that will save 6 POUNDS in Sept 93.
40 2 TRI GEAR - Varga bent nose gear on landing away from home. Went to a plumbing shop
40 2 REVMASTER - Cracks in bearing areas.
40 5 PROP - Uses Warp drive prop in his Q2.
40 5 ENGINE - Glass baffling installation.
40 6 FLIGHT TEST - Determine Best Glide Speed.
40 6 FLIGHT TEST - FAA advisory circular AC-90-89 Amateur-built Aircraft flight testing
40 6 ELECTRICAL - Picture of B&C Alternator Installation
40 8 CRASH - Report
40 9 ENGINE - Zenoah installation.
40 9 RUDDER - Enlarged area no help.
40 9 MAIN Wing - Collapse due to fuel in foam.
40 9 FLIGHT TEST - First flight report.
40 11 CANARD - Carbon spar availability at CACI.
40 11 GENERAL - Reinstating medical.
41 2 TRI GEAR - Landing technique.
41 3 RUDDER - Rigging
41 6 RUDDER - Mount the fin to the lower fuselage shell before joining top/bottom shells.
41 6 RUDDER - This gives easier routing of rudder cables and firmer mounting.
41 6 ENGINE - Rotax and use of 100 LL.
41 6 ENGINE - Oil temp problem.
41 7 TOOLS - Magneto timing buzzer.
41 7 WING/CANARD - Table of ground angle of attack and surface incidence for aircraft
41 9 FIBERGLAS - O-200 cowling molds and fixture for Q-200 exhaust system.
42 1 PERFORMANCE - Data.
42 2 FLIGHT TEST - HP Vs: Speed Table.
42 4 INSTRUMENTS - Communication antenna. 50% increase in range with this design.
42 6 FLIGHT TEST - Information.
42 6 ENGINE - 0-200 Oil cooler.
42 7 ENGINE - Air inlets. Smiley inlet no good with Warp Drive prop.
42 8 FUEL SYSTEM - Leaks.
42 8 TRI GEAR - Drag brake design.
42 8 CANARD - Sparrow strainer installation.
42 9 INSTRUMENTS - Tach wiring, right and wrong.
43 1 PILOT PROFILE - Brian Martinez on the frustrations and joys of airplane building.
43 3 REVMASTER - Problems found and corrected with his Revmaster
43 4 TAIL WHEEL - Bell Crank bolt needs replaced when it skitters and wear grooves
43 4 ROTAX - Ignition problems that was caused by bad points and condensers.
43 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Comparison between his Quickie and Vari-Eze
43 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Dick Barbour - instrument panel supports,
43 5 ENGINE - O-200 installation (air induction system filter) and cowling modifications
43 6 FUEL SYSTEM - Foot operated replacement for the squeeze bulb and a flow gauge
43 7 ENGINE - Clive Clapham's start at putting a Lycoming O-235 in the Q-2.
43 8 VACUUM BAGGING - Cheap ideas on making the parts necessary for vacuum bagging.
43 8 ONAN - Problems Keith Welsh had with his Onan's Cam shaft causing it to lose power.
44 1 FUSELAGE - making major airframe mods - read this before changing anything!
44 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Robert Dixon, Alabama
44 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Bob Farnam, California
44 2 PROGRESS REPORT - John Mackay, California
44 2 FLIGHT TEST - Q2 (Bill Mueller Nebraska) first flight report with hot engine temperatures
44 3 ENGINE - Discussion of engine options (he's willing to help people with VW engines)
44 3 TRI-GEAR - conversion of tail dragger to Tri-Q
44 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Sun 'n Fun 94 report
44 6 PANEL - Picture of Terry Crouch's Q-1 panel
44 6 PANEL - Picture of Bob Farnam's Q-200 panel
44 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Richard Barlow, Georgia
44 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Dale Vandermolen, Texas
44 6 CANARD - Flight Report of water leaking in and causing one heavy side
44 7 ENGINE - Cooling inlet and exhaust sizes for O-200
44 7 FUSELAGE - Cabin Air discharge idea
44 7 EPOXY - Negative report on PTMW Aeropoxy
44 7 FINISHING - Suggestion on Peel ply and using Micro on a still wet layup to ease finishing
44 8 CANARD - Description of re-finishing the canard and re-building the wheelpants
44 8 FIBERGLASS - Keep glass from changing shape before applying to a joint
44 8 PANEL - Stiffeners for an 1/8 plywood panel
44 8 RECORDS - QAC Newsletters available for official plans changes
44 8 ENGINE - Pictures of Cowl for a Rotoway engine
44 10 PROGRESS REPORT - Brian Martinez, California
45 1 CRASH - Two Dragonfly accidents and the lessons learned from them
45 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Many people checking in with the home office
45 3 ENGINE - Pictures of Q-1 engine installations
45 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Walt Halloran fly a Tri-Q with no problems.
45 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Buzz Flye, South Carolina
45 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Rand Kriech, California
45 5 PERFORMANCE - Kimbull McAndrew, with performance numbers on his Q-235
45 6 EPOXY - Method to change Sticky Stuff Dispenser to PTM&W ratios
45 6 EPOXY - Discussion of alternatives to Safe-T-Poxy
45 7 PANEL - Picture of unknown instrument panel
45 8 CRASH - Weight and Balance problem that lead to the destruction of a Tri-Q
45 10 ENGINE - Picture of O-200 installation
46 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Report on Oshkosh 94 including pictures
46 3 CRASH - Pilot Induced Oscillation accident that destroyed a Tri-Q
46 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Doyle Shinall, Indiana
46 5 T-TAIL - Description and drawings of how to build the T-tail
46 6 MISC - Cost estimates of the value of a Q bird
46 6 ENGINE - Report on Experiences with a Revmaster engine
46 7 PILOT Profile - Pictures of attendees of Ottawa '94
46 8 PILOT Profile - Cross Country (Canada) trip report from Michel Moreau
46 8 PROPELLER - Warp Drive query from Walt Halloran
46 8 ENGINE - O-200 cylinders and other opinions from Sam Hoskins
46 8 MISC - Plans are being accumulated for posterity by Buzz Flye
46 10 PROGRESS REPORT - The finest picture of Ottawa ever taken!
47 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Ottawa '94 details
47 3 ENGINE - Mounting the Cowling
47 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Trip report on flight from Iowa to Edwards Air Force Base
47 5 CANARD - Change to the canard/wing/fuselage angles
47 5 ENGINE - VW installation on a Q-1 by Jon Finley
47 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Complete report part 1 from Derek Clarke's Tri-Q200
48 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Christmas 1994 greetings from Mr. Masal
48 2 PAINT - Report from Jerry Marstall on System Three
48 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Les Hildebrand, Kansas and Florida
48 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Dave Irwin
48 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Complete report part 2 (including photos) from Derek Clarke's Tri-Q200
48 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Brian Case Idaho
48 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Carl Dowdy needs a copy of the Q1 plans
48 5 CRASH - Picture of the aftermath of Bill Mueller of Nebraska
48 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Claim that Safe-T-Poxy fuel tank disintegrated
48 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Alan Thayer, California
48 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Jack Moritz, Oregon
48 7 RUDDER - Picture of bellcrank in tailcone
48 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Mike Sorrells - About the need to learn to fly the Q
48 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Chris Simpson Tri-Q
48 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Gordon Laubach Q-1
48 8 ENGINE - Picture of Rotax 503 installation
48 8 PROGRESS REPORT - John Touchet, Florida
48 9 EPOXY - Warnings about Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (MEKP)
48 10 INTRUMENT PANEL - Picture of instrument panel
49 2 FUEL SYSTEM - Comments on successes in fuel tank durability and why.
49 2 ONAN - Good reliability after making QBA recommended modifications.
49 3 ENGINE - O-200 Drawing and instructions on making a Pull-Start Apparatus.
49 4 SUBARU - EA-81, description of modifications.
49 4 FINISHING - FeatherLite failed to harden; West System works great.
49 4 VORTEX GENERATORS - Comments on Q-1 performance with and without.
49 5 ENGINE - Information on turbo/fuel injected Rotorway engine in Q-2.
49 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Koutz Q-200.
49 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Lockwood Tri-Q.
49 6 TRI-Gear - Hard landing may cause nose gear to break loose and rupture main fuel tank.
49 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Huss Q-1.
49 7 FINISHING - Overview of System 3 usage with good results.
49 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Granzella/Smiley Q-2.
49 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Barlow Q-200.
49 8 BRAKES - 1/8 aluminum tubing fits inside existing Nylaflow tubing.
49 8 PROGRESS REPORT - Hanson Tri-Q.
50 3 VORTEX Generators - Good performance with fewer VGs.
50 3 CONTROLS - Sparrow strainer affects after loss; elevator response at high speeds.
50 3 REVMASTER - Engine cases made in Mexico may not be of high quality.
50 3 PROPELLERS - Sterba, Aymar-Demuth and Warnke are good.
50 3 FUEL SYSTEM - Use of automotive fuels and it's affects on fuel tanks.
50 3 PERFORMANCE - Don't ease forward on the stick when you are about to land....
50 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Mapes Tri-Q.
50 4 FUEL SYSTEM - Aluminum fuel tanks...
50 5 ENGINE - Air-Oil Separator; how it works and how to install.
50 5 ROTAX - Early Dual CDI failures.
50 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Thayer Q-1.
50 6 ENGINE - O-200 Remedy for ignition wire clearance problems.
50 6 FLIGHT TEST - Hildebrand Q-200 taxi and FLIGHT TESTS.
50 6 TAIL Wheel - Maule tail wheel on a Q-200.
50 7 REFLEXOR - Control sensitivity, operation and location of a reflexor.
51 1 PROGRESS REPORT - Touchet Q-200.
51 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Crouch Q-1.
51 3 FLIGHT TEST - Crouch Q-1.
51 3 ONAN - On carb heat, operational temps, mixture control, baffles and oil filter.
51 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Farnum Q-200.
51 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Ham Q-200.
51 4 INSTRUMENT - Microprocessor allows a hand-held GPS to interface with autopilot.
51 4 ENGINE - Filtered induction air.
51 4 PERFORMANCE - Flying a canard aircraft (D-Fly) for the first time.
51 5 FINISHING - SuperFil works well.
51 5 ENGINE - Dipstick modification to avoid access door.
51 5 ENGINE - Home made engine baffle material.
51 5 ENGINE - Buy Aeroshell through Sam's Club at $1.33/ qt.
51 5 VORTEX GENERATORS - Lower speed by 2 mph, but lower stall by 8 mph.
51 6 REVMASTER - List of modifications to improve performance.
51 6 ENGINE - Firewall sagging and a new engine mount to fix it.
51 6 PROPELLER - Broken bolts; IvoProp checkout; Warnke troubles.
51 7 REFLEXOR - A very positive modification.
51 7 CRASH - Q-2 Weight & Balance error from a new propeller probable.
51 8 ROTAX - 583 installed in a Q-1.
51 8 PERFORMANCE - Rotax 583 powered Q-1.
52 3 ENGINE - Installing a Lycoming O-235.
52 4 VACUUM Bagging - Use a refrigerator compressor for the vacuum pump
52 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Hawkins Q-1.
52 4 FINISHING - System 3 primer report.
52 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Colomb Tri-Q.
52 5 FUEL SYSTEM - Advantages of aluminum fuel tanks.
52 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Sorrels Tri-Qbaru.
52 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Bates Q-2.
52 6 ENGINE - Electronic Ignition for $775.
52 6 CRASH - Q-1 in New York.
52 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Wooton Q-2.
52 7 ENGINE - O-200 - About offset angles.
53 3 CANARD - Ways to remove sag from a canard.
53 3 FUSELAGE - How to make a cowling from scratch.
53 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Greenwood Q-2.
53 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Kennedy Q-2.
53 4 CRASH - Q-200 tail wheel hinge pin broke.
53 4 CRASH - Q-2 flat tire on landing.
53 4 PERFORMANCE - Kuhlman/Dirks Q-2 with Revmaster engine.
53 5 FUEL SYSTEM - results of Fuel Soak tests using epoxy laminate samples.
53 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Walterson Q-1.
53 5 CONTROLS - Mark and cut-out the holes for your hinges and thimbles...
53 5 FUEL SYSTEM - When making the tank....
53 5 FINISHING - Filling tips; How to thin micro.
53 5 JIGGING - Tips on mounting wing and canard to the fuselage.
53 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Morrison Q-2.
53 6 CRASH - Q-2; after inadvertent take-off during high speed taxi tests.
54 2 ENGINE - Stuck valves and how to fix them without removing the cylinder.
54 4 FLIGHT TEST - Martinez Q-200.
54 7 INSTRUMENTS - NavAid Devices Autopilot.
54 8 INSTRUMENTS - Porcine Associates GPS coupler.
54 9 RECORDS - Carlson Q-2 wins in Copperstate Dash.
54 3 FUSELAGE - To provide good cabin ventilation...
55 2 PROGRESS REPORT - Jon Finley's Q1 move to Minnesota
55 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Chris Simpson's Tri-Q in England
55 3 ENGINE - Onan NHC engine rebuild and hopup
55 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Brian Martinez s first flights, engine problems
55 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Dennis Colomb use of System 3 primer
55 5 FLIGHT TEST - Comments on handling inadvertent first flight from fast taxi
55 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Ex-F/A 18 driver Dave Irwin in Illinois about his inactive Q2
55 6 ENGINE - electrical, canard - Larry Koutz changes, and broken canard on landing
55 7 CANARD - Jim Bates, Lancaster CA, Waddelow wing and canard load testing
55 7 LOAD Test - Reply by Editor about load testing techniques
55 7 PROGRESS REPORT - Alan Thayer on his Q1
55 9 PHOTO - Allen Kittleson's Q200 with revised cooling inlets and carb air intake
56 1 FLYIN - report on Sun-N-Fun 96
56 2 FIBERGLASS - finishing - Ken Miller detailed instructions on filling and finishing
56 5 FLIGHT TEST - Brian Martinez further testing of engine performance with Ellison carb
56 7 PROPELLOR - List of manufacturers arranged by number in use
57 2 FINISHING - Bob Bounds detailed report on his finishing system
57 4 ENGINE - Dave Richardson method of working out firewall penetration points
57 4 WHEELS - Modifications to axle to center the 1/4 bolt
57 5 EXHAUST - Don Coughlin addition of straight pipes to his Revmaster
57 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Bob Lockwood report on Tri-Q with Revmaster at 22 hours TT
57 5 PROGRESS REPORT - David Gall report on Quickie
57 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Tim Lewis report on partly built Q1 he bought
57 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Ian Huss report on first flights of his Q1 with IVO prop
57 6 ENGINE - Al Medley reports on B&C starter for O-200
57 6 ENGINE - Marvin Getten, valve troubles with Revmaster
57 7 ENGINE - report on electronic ignition and cooling changes for Onan
58 2 FINISHING - Discussion of System 3 troubles and response from System 3
58 4 FIBERGLASS - T J Wright of Advanced Composite Technologies has some Q2/Q200 parts
58 4 BRAKES - Address and part numbers for Airheart brakes
58 5 CANARD - Alan Thayer reports on progress toward alternative carbon rod canard
58 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Charles Kuhlman on Revmaster Q2. Fuel leak fix and C antenna
58 5 PROGRESS REPORT - John Kalbrener progress on Q2 he purchased and is repairing
58 5 RADIO - reports on bent C antenna
58 6 ENGINE - Art Jewett on stuck valves in O200
58 6 FUEL - fuel system venting
58 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Mike Hunton on Tri-Q, canard straightness, VW turbo
59 1 FLYIN - report on Ottawa '96
59 4 FYIN - Art Jewett report on misadventures flying home from Ottawa '96
59 5 PROGRESS REPORT - Pete Mapes on Tri-Q200
59 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Bob Farnam on air filter, Headsets, Inc. ANR kit, steering changes
59 7 CANOPY - Brian Martinez on gas springs for canopy
59 7 ENGINE - Jon Finley on fiberglass engine baffles/plenum for improved cooling of the VW
59 8 PROGRESS REPORT - James Postma on Q2
60 2 FLYIN - Debbie Stewart on ladies participation at Ottawa
60 3 PROGRESS REPORT - Barry Charlton on Zenoah G50 Q1 in New Zealand
60 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Joe Morrison on first flight of Q2 with replacement canard
60 4 PROGRESS REPORT - Marvel carb, different props, now getting better speed
60 6 ENGINE - Dave Smith on cooling improvements for VW
60 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Tri Q200. Replacement parts, elev. torque tube bond, trim.
60 6 ENGINE - O200 starter options
61 3 ENGINE - Onan experience by Keith Welsh
61 4 RUDDER - Larger Rudder
61 4 REVMASTER - Engine Top
61 5 TRI-GEAR - Description & Success story
61 7 CANARD - Repair
61 7 TAIL - Repair of the tailcone
61 7 ENGINE - O-200 Rigging
61 8 TRI-GEAR - Picture of a Cam Jack
61 9 TAILWHEEL - Picture of different Setup
62 4 ELECTRICAL - Crimping & Heat Shrink
62 5 ELECTRICAL - Test Wiring Tool
62 5 ENGINE - Engine Stand
62 5 ENGINE - Simulated Firewall
62 6 FLIGHT TEST - Full Report by Ian Huss
63 3 CANARD - New LS1 Canard for Quickie
63 4 TAILWHEEL - QTW5 Tailwheel Work & Plan
63 5 TAILWHEEL - Picture of B. Martinez Plan
63 6 ENGINE - Champion Spark Plug
63 7 REFLEXOR - Slimline Quadrant
63 7 CANARD - Heating and fixing a twist
63 9 TIRES - Tires Tips
64 4 EXHAUST-SYSTEM - Some 2 in 1 pipes setup pictures
64 6 REFLEXOR - A good Fabrication article by Terry Sickler
64 8 RADIO - Bent C antenna (VHF Comm Antenna)
65 3 PERFORMANCE - Evaluation report of Ottawa 97
66 2 FLIGHT TEST - Tom Moore first flight
66 3 FLIGHT TEST - Jerry Marstall first flight
66 4 FLIGHT TEST - Allen Kittleson first flight
66 5 WHEELS - Wheels alignment by D. Gall
67 2 FLIGHT - TEST Paul Spackman, Casper, WY dirty fuel filter
67 3 WHEELS - Wheel Camber alignment correction, Tom Moore, Frisco, TX
68 4 FLIGHT TEST - Tri-Q Gene Bowen, Waverly, OH
68 4 FLIGHT TEST - Tri-Q Brian Cain, Essex, England
68 5 INSTRUMENT - Taskem Digital Tachometer
68 6 ENGINE - Conversion to EA-81 Subaru Marion Brown, Plantation, FL
69 2 FLIGHT TEST - Q200 Bob Farnam, Livermore, CA
69 3 MATERIAL - Graphlite carbon fiber rod. Alan Thayer, Castro Valley, CA
69 5 ENGINE - Bad Oil Filter Cary Thomas
69 5 MATERIAL - Gas springs for canopy-address
69 5 MATERIAL - Hi Temp-Room Cure epoxy-address
69 5 HEALTH - Heart problem & dealing w/FAA
70 6 MATERIAL - Aeropoxy \ recommended by Rutan
70 6 PROGRESS REPORT - Graphlite Rod on the LS1 Canard on Q1
71 6 FUEL SYSTEM - Metal fuel tank for TQ200
71 7 INSTRUMENT - Neat & inexpensive panel lights
71 7 HEALTH - Hypoxia-Bob Farnam, Livermore, CA
72 2 FLIGHT TEST - Ottawa Evaluation Results
72 2 FLIGHT TEST - Tri-Q N666GB Gene Bowen Waverly, Ohio
72 3 FLIGHT TEST - Q2 C-GYZC Michel Royer Val Des Monts, Quebec, Canada
72 5 FUEL SYSTEM - fuel tank installation by Kris Browne Belle River, Ontario, Can.