QBA Legal Notices


The Quickie Builders Association (QBA) is an organization of individuals devoted to promoting education and safety in the construction and flight of Quickie-type experimental aircraft among its members. Opinions and ideas expressed in Q-Talk are solely those of the individual writer. Testing by the QBA of any ideas or suggestions printed in Q-Talk is neither stated nor implied. Responsibility for application of any idea or suggestion contained herein is solely that of the experimental aircraft builder. WARNING: The application of any ideas or suggestions herein to an airplane may cause the builder/pilot personal injury or death.

Letters, pictures or manuscripts submitted to Q-Talk or QBA may be published and are subject to whatever deletions, additions or revisions are necessary to adapt the material to the space requirements and quality standards of Q-Talk. Any material that is to be returned must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope (SSAE).

Non-commercial classified ads for individual members, one per issue, are free. Other advertising rates are available upon request.