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Hour 24 - More Two Part Foam


In this video I continue pouring two part foam onto the form that I created.  It didn't take long for me to realize that I would need more than a 1 quart kit of X-30 foam to fill in all of the areas that needed filling in the canopy frame.  However, since I only had the 1 quart kit to work with, I did the best I could.  Here you can see me squeezing every last drop out of the cans in a attempt to stretch it into some of the larger voids.  Unfortunately, there just isn't enough to get the job done.

So I'll let this round dry and then begin carving.  I'll order a half gallon kit from TAP plastics and hopefully that will be enough to finish what I started!  (It may not be, since I'm now addicted to working with this stuff!) Smile

At any rate, it's kind of fun to see the foam expanding in these time lapse videos.  So I hope you enjoy them.  After a few e-mails back and forth with Sam Hoskins and his composite guru Michael Bergen we feel pretty confident that this procedure will work OK for the canopy frame.  They did say however that it probably would have been beter to work with sheets of foam and join them with the x-30 for better rigidity.  So short of that Michael recommended that I use a sturdier glass "along the lines of 7781 instead of Rutan 7725."

Hopefully in a couple more weeks worth of spare time, I'll have a working canopy and frame.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, and stay tuned for more updates.

As always, I invite your comments below, or in the forum!