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Hour 23 - Two Part Foam


Well this is the logical next step from my last post, but it's also a lot of fun.  I actually get to start making stuff! I begin here by getting my quart kit of two part foam prepped.  I read the directions, which called for a bucket, a stirring stick, and measuring cups.  I wasn't sure how much the foam would really expand, or how quickly it would do it either, so I made sure it was a big bucket!

As it turned out, the foam doesn't really begin to expand until you've stirred it for about a minute or so.  The directions tell you to stirr the two parts together until there are no longer any streaks, and this seemed to work well.  Before I mixed my first batch, I was expecting the mixture to expand quickly and have a gel like consistency.  However, I soon discovered that the foam mixture pours more like thick honey, and it made me wish I'd created better dams to hold back the overflow.

Overall I was pleased with the results, and as I build up the canopy frame area, it seems like this solution will work.  I can see clearly though that I will run out of two part foam before I finish with the quart kit I purchased directly from TAP PLASTICS.  So I went ahead and ordered a half gallon kit.  This should allow me to fill-in any missing foam on the canopy frame, and allow a little extra for playing around! Wink

Now I hate disclaimers, but for the un-initiated, please realize that I am building the canopy frame from scratch using an unproven method.  As far as I know, this idea has never flown before, so please take my assertions with grain of salt, and proceed on your own project like your life depended on it!  (It does.)

Sam Hoskins voiced his concerns about the potential issue of using two part foam in a structural component and I believe the verdict is still out on the viability of using the two part foam on the canopy frame.  I still have some e-mailing to do between myself and more experienced builders, and I may need to scrap the whole idea.  Just an FYI!

As always, I invite your comments below, or in the forum!