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Q1 LS1 Template RANT

Terry Crouch's Quickie

Well I just received an e-mail from Terry Crouch (pictured above) letting me know that my LS1 templates arrived safely.  He also let me know that all of the templates I sent him were not accurate.  Hmm?  I knew that already.  After looking at the templates I drew, he sent me the following e-mail:

Hi Dan,
     I have been looking at templates tonight. I am rather shocked to find out how different all 3 sets are from the originals. Differences in contour  .060, .110, as much as .240. Differences in spar location as much as 1.25.  I know you can't speak for Leon but how did you come up with these templates? Do you have the canard jigging templates, the elevator jigging  templates, Q1 LS1 plans?
     I know there has been some discussion in the past that the factory templates are not the precise airfoil they claim to have used. Bottom line, if  you want it to fly as advertised build per plans.


I'm not shocked.  I've been blogging about my process for a couple of months:

Quickie Template Problem
Quickie Template Problem Update
Is there any Comparison
Armchair Engineering

I guess my question is: How does one go about building per plans if they don't seem to exist anywhere but on Terry's desk?  Undecided 

To answer his questions above I don't have the jigging templates, I don't have elevator jigging templates, or a set of Q1 LS1 plans.  Basically, as I've been talking about for the past few months, I am trying to conjure a set of LS1 templates (and the associated jigging templates) from thin air!

If I can't buy, beg, borrow, or steal an original set, what else can I do, except make educated guesses about what they should look like and then send them off to Terry for verification?

The one thing that Terry did confirm for me, is that the DXF files being distributed on the Yahoo Q-list are NOT accurate either.  I already knew that, but it's good to have a final confirmation.  So now it seems my only choices are to beg Terry to let me borrow his templates, or to send him another 3-4 guesses.

Sorry about the rant people, but the process is a little frustrating.  I just want you to know that I'm doing everything in my power to create a working set of templates.  No matter how many flaming hoops and obstacles I need to go through.

Stay tuned.  As always I invite your feedback through your comments below.

UPDATE: In January 2009 I spoke with Terry Crouch who provided me with a set of LS1 Templates from his beautiful flying Quickie.  I made these file available in the online store here. 

I also created a flight simulator model of Terry's Quickie for X-plane 9.2 here.