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Q1 Plans Chapter 4 Page 4-3


In this section, you will make all of the plywood parts in the aircraft. They are as follows:

  1. Firewall
  2. LG4, the wheel pant reinforcement (4)
  3. CS19, the outboard elevator hinge insert (2)

Careful layout will allow you to make all of these parts from the 2'x2'x1/4" piece of plywood supplied in the kit. It is suggested that you layout all of the pieces prior to cutting any of them out.

The firewall should be out so that the wood grain runs horizontally across the firewall. Glass each face of the firewall with one ply of BID at 45 deg. to the grain. A full size flat pattern for the firewall may be found on Appendix sheet 1.

The other parts are glassed after assembly in the aircraft.