Hey Member, Well another year has passed! That's 31 years for the Quickie Builders Association. . . and 4 years that I've been you're humble narrator. Where does it go? Will 2014 be the year YOU finish your plane?
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all again for another terrific year, and wish you all a happy and prosperous new one! Thanks to everyone who contributed this year . . . I simply couldn't keep this going without you!
Speaking of contributing . . . I want to send a special THANKS to Sam Hoskins for not only contributing a great article on the repair of his buckled canard skin . . . but also for breaking his canard for us earlier this year! My understanding is that it was COMPLETELY for OUR benefit! Now we get to see him rebuild his canard and see how quickly a "DO-ER" gets back in the air. You'd be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity to learn from the experience of others!
As Sam rebuilds his canard, I will be compiling an updated set of Q-200 LS1 Canard Construction Instructions. This will hopefully bring together all of the many resources required in order to figure out what the guys at QAC "meant to say" when they sent out the plans. My first pass at this endevour appears below, and will be updated over the next few issues. Your comments, questions, and witty remarks are encouraged!
In case you didn't hear. . . QBA has a new home! That means Kerry and I sold our house and moved! So if you need to reach us by mail, the old address isn’t going to cut it anymore. Use this one instead:
The Quickie Builders Association C/O The Editor – Dan Yager 444 N 4th Street – Unit 610 Philadelphia, PA 19123
I look forward to hearing from all of you, and I’m eager to hear what you’ve all been up to! So drop me a line any way you can get it to me!
Happy New Year everyone! Remember, "Together we build better planes," newsletters, and magazine articles!
Warm regards, Dan Yager QBA Editor www.quickheads.com