Q-talk 37 - Jan/Feb 1993 - index
- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Index
- Published: Sunday, 28 February 1993 06:11
- Written by Jim Masal
- Hits: 3015
by Jim Masal
Here we go, off to an incredible twelfth year. Who woulda thunk it? Last year this time I was into an equally incredible sinking spell. Tom Moore had to help me through the first 3 issues before I caught my second wind.
As this year kicks off, with its customary boatload of renewal mail, I am gratified and lifted by your appreciation of my work here. As always, there is the "Keep up the good work" which is quickly dashed off at the end of a brief note. But this year especially it seems many of you have been more thoughtful in expressing your feelings about Q-TALK ... unique expressions that make me feel that you really understand what this is all about and how much it takes to keep it going. I thank you for that and, really, I don't hear it all the time. Each compliment is most welcomed and very often arrives just at the time it can do the most good.
Before I get gushy, let me turn it over to you and hear what you have on your mind.
Thanks for many hours of fun reading - Gordon Myers *** Over 800 hours on 89BW. Ran 203 mph at 5,000' in the Wendover 120 mile race with the EZ guys last Labor Day - Barry Weber *** I am in the process of receiving a Q2 that was completed but unfortunately never flown as the builder passed away over 8 years ago. The Q2 comes to me in a very disassembled state and with none of the associated plans or paperwork other than the builder's handwritten notes! ... HELP ... I am aware that some of the early issues may not deal with the Q2, but I find them interesting and informative reading nonetheless - Robert Dixon, AL *** I'm beginning to wonder if I will ever rebuild Q2 N683SC. It's now in Wisconsin and I'm in California. Gee, I wonder if thick dust will adversely affect the composite materials? Oh, well, at least I can keep reading about these sweet birds in QBA - Lyle Ungerecht, CA *** ...while I was on a trip, someone stole all of my tools, parts, supplies, engine, etc. At least my wings and fuselage weren't taken. I need time to figure what's the best way to go - Harold Nelson, CA *** Still making progress, but slow - Bill Bertrand, MI *** #2827 has survived another move, this time from Illinois to Michigan (we're taking the scenic route getting back to Texas). Any Revmaster/electrical expertise in Southeast Michigan would be welcomed. Please call collect 313-416-0709 - Jim Porter *** Both cataracts replaced with implants and I have a new medical. Now to learn to fly again after 2 years of right seat only - Dick Pratt, FL *** Had a little excitement this summer with Q2 N2390V. The engine overheated and quit on climbout. I managed to deadstick it into another runway OK. I think the engine is rich enough to try again, but first things first. I'm polishing my balls until they are hard enough, then I shall leap!!! off again - Bus Schuckler *** My Onan powered Quickie is still flying great and I have had very few problems. I have been trying to eliminate alternator whine in the radio for almost 10 yrs., but I'm not beat until I quit! Also the center pivot on the left elevator worked loose and those are my total problems as of now. Is anyone still building a Q1 and has anyone tried to get cabin heat from a system similar to that for carb heat? - Dick Pettit, OH *** Can't tell you how much I enjoy and look forward to each issue! (Why not? - ED). I bought a completed Quickie from Al Erickson in Mojave ... but after "blowing up" the Onan, I put a 16 hp Hercules on it for trial. It ran great but wouldn't lift me - Nelson Angelo, CA *** My Quickie N12726 has 115 hrs and 200 landings on it now. I'm very satisfied with it - Ted Kibiuk, NY *** I've got 74.6 hours on my Tri-Q and I'm still doing changes and mods. Do we ever finish a homebuilt? I'm convinced that I have to build a swing-away mount for my engine. Taking it off every time you have to get to the back of it is a big pain - Bill Varga, OH *** Help, help, help, help, and help. I know how to build an airplane; I just don't know how to finish it. Please explain this in the next newsletter - Brian Martinez, CA (ED. NOTE: See, I already told you so ...if you keep screwing around with the miniscule details using those laser beams, space age levelometers and micrometer adjustable sanding blocks you'll have a GREAT static display. Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with a grease pencil and cut it with a meat cleaver is my motto.) *** Thanks for your continued slave labor (oooops...sorry...I forgot y'all are kind of close to the south). Still am delaying mfg of my Quickies BMW R75/5 conversion due to no garage. It'll need a swing away mount for points access, a 3 blade prop to resist a secondary rocking couple and probably a Gates belt-driven titanium shaft used with custom pillow blocks - Chris Young, WA *** Thanks for another year of editorship. Enclosed is a renewal check for 2 years. Gonna complain about this? Ben O'Brien, CA (ED. NOTE: Yeah, I could be dead in 2 years and you'd be spittin' on my grave and buggin' my widow for a $20 refund. And then you'll get a black eye. Wouldn't it be simpler to do one year at a time?) *** Q2 #2035 has its engine on permanently (we hope), engine controls are run and now we are doing the cockpit. Trim wheels are a problem but we think the left armrest will do well. The elevator counterweights don't have enough room and we are puzzled as to making room and still have room for the rudder pedals. If you have any ideas, I'm sure others would be interested - John Granzella, CA *** I finally started making time instead of trying to find time to work on my Q2/200 project. My goal was to get the wings and tail primed to stop the effect of UV. Got close, but it's still under black plastic again for the winter - Bob Polander, PA *** I put about 200 hrs in this year working on my Rotorway powered bird. I see that John Derr has his Rotorway Q2 about ready to fly - Bob Davis, CA *** I have recently purchased a partially complete Q2 kit with Tri Gear and O-200 mods. I anxiously await the newsletters - Mark Greenwood, TN *** I'm looking for a set of plans. You see, a friend unloaded a Q2 kit on my lawn because he was overwhelmed by the project. As a sucker friend, I had offered to help without knowing what I was getting into! So, any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated - Tom Blevins, ME *** The project has been stalled for about a year for no good reason except procrastination. I have some piddly little jobs to do then the engine and systems can be tested. The newsletter is most welcome and inspires me to get back at it - Jack Soules, OH *** I am looking at the Subaru engine to replace the Revmaster ... just not comfortable with things the way they are - Marion Brown, FL *** I've been collecting parts and materials for my third-hand Q-200 #2775. Haven't started building yet because I need to locate a shop or garage - Gary Collier, OR *** Keep up the excellent Q-publication, it's important to our health, attitudes and safety. Has anyone spoken of the possible use of a ballistic recovery parachute? Any Q-1/2 installations? (yes, but no details yet - ED.) - Steve Webster, VA *** My submission enclosed to stay on the lifeline - John Dunn, NZ *** After the moral boost of Oshkosh, my project is slowly getting off the ground again, although I am still quite busy fixing my old house in preparation for its sale - Igor Mokrys, CAN *** All things good in Iowa City. All 3 Q's flying well: Zimmerman, Kisthard & Lowder. I was in contact with a new builder in a town near here (2nd or 3rd owner of a partial kit). He's over 250 lbs, original canard and 65 hp Revmaster and he's trying to taxi test on a 40' x 2000' asphalt and grass-lumpy runway. Tried to talk him out of it; offered him my Q-TALKS to read, even offered to buy him his own subscription to no avail. He knows better than the rest of us. I did the next best thing ... took out a LARGE insurance policy on him - Greg Zimmerman, IA (...and don't waste time at his funeral if he dies. Remember the know-it-all in Maryland? They come and they go but just think of the money they save! - ED) *** Yep, packed bags, Q2 and wife and headed to a warmer climate. Presently the Q2 is hangared at Phil Haxton's house near Atlanta until I can get my garage cleared out of household crap to make room for it. Can't wait to roll it out of the garage, fire it up and terrorize all the new neighbors - Jerry Marstall, NC *** N1V will fly again - Bud Starnes, IN *** I work about 12 hours per week about 25 weeks a year. Much time is lost trying to remember where I last left off! (Try writing yourself a note before you quit, or even better; get a cheap tape recorder - ED.) I continue to be disturbed with the Posa carburetor situation; letters repeatedly refer to problems. What about the Ellison? My engine is 11 years old think it will run? - Harvey Nack, Al *** Looks like I have found a partner to help me complete #2435. I had to lay off the project some years ago due to an epoxy allergy. We do want to continue getting the help and hints through your noble efforts in Q-TALK. Your efforts may seem to go un-rewarded, but all of us builders would be in deep trouble many times without this information exchange - Frank Wilcox, GA *** Thanks for your leadership during the 1992 Quickie Builders year with Q-TALK, voted the best news to get at our house. Dar and I continue to be enlightened and entertained by your stuff at Sun 'n Fun and Oshkosh as you emote on the subjects of life and Q2's. There is a noticeable mellowing of the tones coming from your podium. It's all right! We are rededicated to putting our Tri-Q-CAM 100 into the air at 5 pm on April 7, 1995 - Tom Hogan, TN (Gadzooooks, I didn't even notice I was going soft. Thanks for mentioning it; I'll heat up my boiler! - ED.) *** I've been having real trouble with the nose gear of my Tri-Q and every fix I've tried has failed to cure the problem. Pictures and comments later - Bill Butler, IL *** Both the current and back issues are read from cover to cover and provide the necessary incentive. Progress is slower than I would wish and I'm retired. How people with fulltime jobs make progress amazes me. Hope to fly late spring - Derek Clarke, England *** I've been working on my Q2 for eleven years now, and although my progress is not rapid, at least it's progress. The bimonthly arrival of Q-TALK always provides lots of information and motivation - Bob Buell *** From one of your quiet members, THANKS FOR ANOTHER GREAT YEAR - Peter Myers, Canada *** Really enjoy the publication. It will save me countless hours of trial and error once I'm out of the box and back at it again. Projected completion date? Haven't the foggiest! I know that compliments don't do a helluva lot, but for what its worth, you've got a terribly loyal following; we're just all in low gear! Buzz Flye (it's worth plenty enough. Thank you. ED.) *** The work you do to maintain interest in our weird birds is much appreciated and constitutes a valuable resource for the faithful. Keep up the good work. God will award you credit - Walt Halloran, MN (and to guys like you too, Walt, who are friends to Dragonflys thru lousy weather - ED.) *** OK! Another year. No progress. May sell project soon - Tom Gordy, TX *** Renew me for '93. After all, I do have to keep tabs on you guys for the Dragonfly community. I noticed McAndrew's Q-235 with Dragonfly gear. It really looks sharp - Chuck Kaplan, MA *** I've always enjoyed every minute of reading Q-TALK and I think you are a gifted editor. Keep it up - Hugo Haye, CA *** My half complete Q2 has not been stagnant for some 4-6 years but will move ahead one of these days - Les Craft, AL *** Put me on your mailing list. I just purchased #2102 from Walt Newton. God! I'm excited. Will send letter and pics next month. Steven Ahler - WA *** Last summer I purchased a kit from an individual who had lost interest after completing only a small part. I have just finished the main wing and have high expectations for finishing the project as soon as possible. I work at Delta Air Lines and when I mention my kit, it's amazing how many other mechanics offer to help. I have talked to Richard Barlow at the local EAA chapter and his experience with the Q2 has proven very valuable to date - Tom Fairchild, GA *** Should have a short report on the Warp Drive 3 blade prop by mid FEB. All I can say now is it seems to work and looks sexy. Still tweaking - Jim Doyle, MO *** My monster tip for 1993: Get ALL THE BACK ISSUES. Truly the best information around for building, maintaining, and flying and laughing, of course. Thanks also to those helping you keep the association going - Bill Archer, AR *** My project, Quickie #1039, is very near complete, painted, registration letters on (C-FOKQ). We are in our freezing season now so progress is slow until weather warms and snow is gone again - William Fisher, Canada *** Thanks for holding us together for yet another year, and to all who assist you in this effort. My Quickie is still safely stored in the garage (no UV), but no progress either. All that beautiful workmanship preserved, on gear, 75%, Onan still on bench, never run, oiled and turned quarterly. I have my ears open for a young, educated, economically self-sufficient (but not too much), mechanically and airplane oriented individual who will finish it, fly it and enjoy it as I had hoped to do. To the right person, it's free - George Edwards, CA *** My Q200, G-KWKI is moving ahead ... at last! Herewith my subscription to keep the fires alight - Brian Jackson, England *** My son and I built our Q2 in '82-'84, but in a landing, the tail was too light, I ran it off the runway and it went over, breaking a wing. We decided to re-do the plane: new wing, new canard and Tri-gear. The engine's been checked by HAPI who installed hydraulic valve lifters, electronic ignition and heavier heads. It was the nicest flying plane I have known and I'm anxious to get it back into the air as soon as the weather is better - Harold Drake, ID *** This may be the year for my Q-200. Will keep you informed - Bill Dillon *** And may this be the year for a LOT MORE Q's - Jim Masal, Editor, TX
APRIL 18-24, 1993 EAA Sun N' Fun - Lakeland, Florida
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