Q-talk 17 - Sep/Oct 1989 - index
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- Category: Q-Talk Index
- Published: Tuesday, 31 October 1989 06:11
- Written by Jim Masal
- Hits: 3912
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by Jim Masal

QBA 1990 DUES $20.00
After two years of baking, roasting, stifling heat, this year was a decidedly nice change. Oh yes, Oshkosh delivered most of a day of drizzly rain, but I used that to take in the NASA exhibit building movies and the commercial exhibit barns. Several other days were overcast but they were no loss to builders who were more interested in planes on the ground than the daily airshows or flybys. QBAers had plenty to admire on the ground (if they arrived before Tuesday:
Rev 64
A sincere THANK YOU to all of these guys who made the effort to finish these planes and make our trips worthwhile by having them on display.
Notice especially Rusty Cowles who is averaging over 200 hours per year on his airplane. And it still is a wonderful example of first class workmanship. It hardly shows any wear. This ship has even been to interior Mexico a couple times causing quite a stir of interest (so much so that Rusty was invited to fly it in a Mexican airshow!). Russ mentioned that when he hangars his plane he rigged up a floor jack to jack it up in the center to take some of the weight off the wheels (gives the canard a rest from "creep"). Russ is very electronically adept and we hope he'll tell us about his remote compass that he's marketing as well as a simple radio noise suppressor (but then I had this same hope last year this time to no avail).
I bumped into Peter Meszaros a Canadian Q-2 driver at the University dorm and he reported that he's got over 900 hours on his aircraft now and is still quite happy with it. Excluding Sheehan's prototype, Peter and Rusty must have the most high time aircraft of our type.
Alert QBAers did a double take at Charlie Belshe's plane. 30 hours ago Charlie mounted a 0-200 into his Q-2. The old GU canard is easy to overlook while admiring the great exterior finish and paint scheme, but it's still there. Charlie had to move a little weight around to get the CG right but he's experienced no special problems with flight characteristics. Charlie also had to do a little experimenting on the "sparrow strainers" he added to the GU airfoil. 7 inch ones were on the elevators at Oshkosh.

Every year at Oshkosh I aggravate attending QBAers by asking that annoying question "When will yours be here?" Standard answer: "Next year!" (followed by the rolling of eyeballs). This year Bob Last and Gary Weber made good on the pledge (notice the low times on their aircraft). It was gratifying to finally see them make it to the end of the sportplane rainbow!
Absent on the flightline was the QAC prototype. Sheehan didn't make it this year. QBAers report some difficulty getting a hold of him for assistance, but for the persistent he still is reachable. His buddy Joe Horvath still has Revmaster in operation, contrary to a myth that seems to have started, and builders are still getting assistance. REVMASTER IS STILL IN BUSINESS, in case you ain't heard the news lately.
With the scheduling foul-up mentioned in QT #16, I didn't know what kind of attendance I'd see at our events. Turned out it wasn't too bad. Organized QBAers had Q-TALK with them for reference or had written dates and times down. The free spirits who couldn't be bothered with pre-planning either asked me about 5,000 times when they saw me on the flightline or missed everything altogether. The ol' post office seems to have had a special run on snagging staples in their machinery so some guys got confetti and a post office apology in a clear bag instead of QT #16. They are excused from missing our forum.
Again, our 2 back porch meetings at the Homebuilder's Corner attracted 20-25 enthusiastic builders. You have to be there. Many interesting points are discussed and since I am moderating I can't be taking notes too. Most of this stuff doesn't get into the newsletter. Most of the talk now is Q-2,200,Tri-Q so I tried to break out Jinx Hawks and the Quickie guys into their own special interest group. Jinx has gotten high visibility among closet Quickie fans who have read the Kitplanes article and are wanting to build now.
This year the QBA Wind and Cheese Party preceded the evening forum so we couldn't announce it ahead of time. Still, a lively crowd of 55 showed up to jam. Lyle Harrison did another good job of making arrangements, acting as host and sponsoring a chunk of the cost this time in the name of his new business, Advansor Research, through which he can save you big money on a variety of carbon fiber and Kevlar fabrics (see his ad in QT #16). This time the party lasted all the way to midnight. Those who stayed late got a special "sneak preview".

Some background: Last year Norm Howell asked permission to read Harry Busky's June '87 piece "The Record Breaking Flight of the Scrounger" at the International VariEZ Hospitality Club banquet. It was a spoof of the just completed Voyager round-the-world record (if you haven't read it lately, find it right now and do so. It's still hilarious). The crowd, including Dick, Jeanna and Burt broke up with laughter.
This year Howell and Buskey were invited to work up a similar skit. They did a rehearsal for us at the W&C Party. It was a spoof of Rutan's Catbird and the typical flim flam marketeers of new designs. It cracked us up and did the same for the EZ bunch the next night. Thanks for the treat Buskey and Howell!
This year we had no surprises or heated controversies. Scott Swing briefed us on the present status of the Tri-Q modification. The Swing's are becoming "gear" authorities in the sportplane world as they've just completed a successful RG mod for the Velocity.
Like I said earlier, I can't be taking notes and directing conversations at the same time, but we are fortunate enough to have had Charles Kuhlman of Marshalltown, IA in the audience with a fast mind and a hot pen. Charles has thoughtfully edited and computerized his notes for us (thank the Lord for small favors). I will insert them here:
Notes from the Quickie Builders Association Forum held in Tent #10, July 30, 1989
The forum opened with Jim Masal welcoming everyone and apologizing for the confusion on not getting the forum listed in the Program.
Jim then gave a quick review of the QBA and his personal philosophy as newsletter editor, that is, he will "tell the bad with good". When he learns of some information that may not be what we want to hear, he will print it along with the good news. He prefers to only have good news, but wants every one to be knowledgeable of the facts as best as he knows them. He encouraged everyone to continue to send him tips and progress reports. He complimented us on the improved job we have been doing recently. He stressed the fact that he likes pictures!!! Jim then asked for a show of hands on how many people subscribe to the newsletter. Most of us there did, but not everyone. Then he asked for how many had sent in something! Only about half raised their hand.
Scott Swing answered some questions on Tri-Q kits and handling. It was stated that approximately 1000 Q2 kits were sold in the U.S. (including partial kits). 130 Tri-Q kits have been sold, and approximately 30 are flying. Tri-Q kits are still available for $1,970.00, but Scott says to call him because he does not always have the nose gear in stock all the time. He can still supply all the components but he does not want to have someone's money tied up for a long period of time, while they and he are waiting for a minimum order of ten nose gears to be made. The best way to reach him is to call him at home in the evenings at (513) 890-0604, an alternate number is at the composites business (Universal Products) (513) 890-1925.
A question was asked if there was a noticeable speed change when switching to a Tri-Q. Scott said there is a loss of approximately 10 mph for a Revmaster powered Q2 and a loss of 10-15 mph for a Q200. Scott then answered a question on angle of incidence and first flights.

If the canard is +1/2? to +1? it is pretty good. If the canard is -1 or 0 degrees, it will appear to be nose heavy and need reflexor trim. Scott said to not be afraid to adjust the reflexor on the first flight.
His advice on approach to landing is to keep them high and fast with power off. It keeps the runway in better view.
Berry Webber from Livermore, CA was the next speaker who volunteered to tell about his experience. Barry has a Q-200 (N89BW), which is a taildragger. He said he has no big problems with ground handling, he says one must just develop taildragger skills. He offered several suggestions on how to prepare for handling a taildragger Quickie. 1) Fly other taildraggers, e.g. Champ, Cub, Citabria, etc. 2) Taxi your own Q until rudder control and ground handling becomes second nature. 3) If a taildragger is difficult for you to rent, it helps to fly lots of different tricycle gear airplanes. Learn how to adapt to different airplane handling characteristics.
The subject of prices for completed Q's came up. Jim Masal said the going price seems to be in the neighborhood of $8000 - $9000 for Q2s and approximately $12,000 for Q200s. Jim mentioned that there is free advertising in the newsletter for members; non-subscribers must pay, especially if it is a business ad. Also regarding Revmaster parts, there is a good market in Calif. The hot rod and dune buggy suppliers have some parts. Pick up a hot rod magazine at a grocery store for possible suppliers.
A question on alternator noise was addressed by Rusty Cowles of Houston, he flies a Q200 (N84RC). He drew the following sketch on the black board if someone wanted to make one. But he said Radio Shack sells something similar.

Rusty has made an electronic digital compass that has a microprocessor built in. They are more commonly known as Magnetometers and are used in military and airline airplanes as a primary compass. It is good to +/- 1?. He sells it for $229 in kit form.
Rusty then told us about his airplane. He has 890 hrs TT. He has done rolls and hammerhead stalls, took his IFR instruction and check ride in his Q200. Rusty had ZERO taildragger time before flying his Q200. He just did lots of high speed taxiing to become familiar with the ground handling. He has changed to a solid soft rubber tail wheel, which is a big improvement over the original kit tail wheel. He has had to replace the bushings in the ailerons after 3 years and these are not a standard part. He bought some Oil-lite bearings (bronze bushings) from Motions Industry. He had to drill out the holes in the aluminum end piece to make these fit. Other problems he has solved include noisy brakes and bent axles (the hollow aluminum ones per the kit). He put a 4130 steel rod in place of the tail spring. Rusty has removed his T-tail because his aileron reflexor has so much authority. He said the reflexor really helps keep the tail wheel on the ground. Rusty reported no problems with using Auto Gas in the epoxy tanks, he checks the fuel filter often, but finds no contamination. He mixes 4 oz. of Marvel Mystery Oil (to keep the valves from sticking) with 10 gal. of unleaded gas. He indicates 150 Kts. at 5500'. The Loran shows 160-165 Kts. Full power is 170 Kts. He uses 85 Kts. for approach and 70 Kts. minimum over the numbers.
Rusty gave his phone numbers if anyone has questions or is interested in buying the electronic compass kit he has designed. Home - (409) 265-4748, Work - 238-2515.
Discussion then turned to questions about a "crease or dimples" that develop in the paint at the flex points of the canard. Several people have reported this in their LS canards and were asking how large these could become before they should be considered unsafe. There was no absolute answer, but it was the consensus of those familiar with the problem that the size of a quarter or smaller should not be a problem. It was recommended that if they are much larger they should be ground out, the damaged foam replaced with more foam and the glass repaired. Bob Malechek had this problem and has made the repair.
These are all the notes I took that night. The only other thing I will mention is that I sat beside Jack M. Lewis of Salt Lake City, Utah, he has built and flown a Tri-Q with a turbo Revmaster and a constant speed prop. He is in the process of debugging it and adjusting the CG. At the altitude he lives at (4300') and the altitude required to clear the mountain passes, (6500' - 7500') the turbo is really nice. He has moved his battery as far back as possible in the tail and is adding an 8.5 gal. header tank in the baggage compartment.
Great job, Charles, and most appreciated. One notation about Scott Swing: the kid's busy so don't be calling just to jaw about rice prices in China.
Just imagine! For the second year in a row the QUICKIE took a workmanship trophy! Tom Solan was very surprised when the mailman showed up with EAA's Lindbergh Trophy for the superb craftsmanship on his airplane. Congrats, Tom.
For the second year in a row Rusty Cowles took an award: last year it was for Outstanding Design Contribution (his remote digital compass), this year his N84RC won Best Workmanship in a Kit Composite. He's gonna have to use some of that best workmanship to build a trophy case pretty soon. We're proud of you, Russ.
On first sight from a distance, I was surprised by a funky lookin' C-5A Galaxy that turned out to be an even bigger Russian An-124. They one-upped us in the size department. As I got up close to finger the exterior I heard a hellacious racket coming from inside. Whot the hell?... As I went around and walked through the mouth of the beast I discovered that a number of the welded floor panels were oil canning under the feet of the visiting throng. Construction details were not our high-tech, high budget standards, but I guess it gets the troops to the source of the brawl just fine.

Then some of our old fashioned technology arrived in the form of the SR-71 Blackbird, our 20 year old, supersonic, high altitude spy-plane. The fly-bys with the fiery shockwave cones coming from the afterburners could send a tingle up your spine. These birds are presently being retired from service (don't you just wonder what's ALREADY replacing it?), but even so Air Force troops had her cordoned off and closely guarded. No Touchee, Joe (or Ivan).
Dave Blanton seems to be having more and more success with his Ford V-6 installations.
Seems like Rex Taylor may have gone out of business as his name was now being associated with the Mosler Engine Co. and I've heard he's left AZ.
It was a treat to see the famous Aero Car of black and white newsreels of yore up close and personal (and looking very good, I might add). Besides this gem, there were also 3 Curtiss Jennies and a bonafide DC-2 in TWA war paint (my Dad worked on these as a young A&P but I never imagined I'd see one up close and personal).
The disappointment I expressed last year at damage to show aircraft is in for a turnaround. As promised in a letter to one of my Chaptermates, Tom Poberezny and the Board have instituted some positive changes. For one thing, people were putting down aluminum chairs along the flightline to stake out a spot for the afternoon airshow. Then they'd walk off for a while. An occasional gust would blow them into/onto show planes. How thoughtful! This year, periodic announcements were made that an EAA truck was on its way to pick up unattended chairs. It also seemed that a better effort was being made at registration to screen the non-aviation public from obtaining flightline passes. Still, Tom Solan got 8 vortex generators picked off his canard by ignorant, inconsiderate passers-by.
Much has yet to be done to engender a respectful crowd, but in large measure it is a wonderful crowd to watch and be with and I thank all the QBAers who were there for me to enjoy.

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