QuickTalk 25 - Jan/Feb 1986 - index
- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Index
- Published: Friday, 28 February 1986 06:11
- Written by Jim Masal
- Hits: 2617
by Jim Masal
I've taken a bit of friendly fire recently regarding what is seen as my "personal" criticism of Quickie Aircraft Co. and Gene Sheehan. O.K., personality is an integral part of everything we do, but this issue I'm taking a shot at eliminating the personality and creating a "generic" newsletter. It hasn't been as much fun, but being uninvolved sure saved a BUNCH of time.
1. PREVIOUS RESPONDENTS: If you've done this before, please update any information that has changed, e.g. how many hours you now have on the aircraft or if you sold it (new owner name and address, if possible).
2. SOON TO FLY: If you expect to fly within 3-4 months, save the card and mail it as soon as you know your top speed.
3. STILL BUILDING: Save the card and fill it in anytime after you've flown. It will be saved and incorporated into the next available survey report.
I believe that it is time to proclaim Camarillo Airport in California as the tandem wing capitol of the world. EAA Chapter 723 members at that field have 15 finished tandem wingers. There is no telling how many more are lurking in the builders' shops. The other day we had 10 of the birds sitting in a line so I photographed them for you. The first 7 are Quickies, the eighth is a Q-200 and the last 2 are Dragonflys.
I would also like to report that located at Camarillo are a number of unconventional aircraft, which defy imagination. They look very funny because they have a single wing near the center and a second much smaller wing back towards the vertical tail. I am told they are made of metal plates which are held together by rivets (???), but we all know something that heavy couldn't possibly fly. Some have meaningless words written on their sides: "Cessna", "Piper", or "Beechcraft". I suspect they may be some weird foreign idea. There is just no telling what will turn people on! (Nate Rambo, Dragonfly Builder/Pilot)
From the Springfield, MO newspaper THE NEWS-LEADER:
Two Saint Joseph residents...John Vestal, 65, and his son Ron, 37, were uninjured after landing their plane in a 12-acre hayfield on the Jerome Radar farm.
Ron Vestal said they came to Springfield...to visit fellow experimental-aircraft pilot, Jim Langley.
"We took off from the airport and about 5 minutes later we started losing power", he said. "We tried to get back to the airport and we just didn't make it."
John Vestal was piloting...They got about 8 miles away from Springfield Regional Airport when they started to lose power...Vestal said he thought the engine problem was caused by carburetor icing. He said he applied heat...but the engine continued to lose power...Coming into the field, the plane sheared off the top of a small tree and then skimmed across a barbed wire fence.
John Vestal has been a pilot since 1942, including 20 years as a pilot in the military. He said he had about 6,000 hours of flying time.
The Vestals finished building the experimental craft about two years ago, and they said the plane had put in about 60 hours in the air.
(See photos for damage to Q-2 N14VV, ED.) In a separate letter, builder Jim Langley writes, "Cause of engine failure was fuel contamination. It seems the owner had done some work on the header tank, but failed to clean it out after the work was finished. The fuel filter was completely plugged with bits of fiberglass residue. Also the original fuel filter had been replaced with one about one third the size of the original filter. The smaller the filter, the less it takes to stop them up.
Congratulations on the continued fine work on the newsletter and on the Oshkosh forums. I apologize for not sending in any tips, but I am continuing to devote all of my energies toward becoming the owner of the Q-2 kit with the lowest serial number on which absolutely no construction has been started! This fits right in with my lifelong quest of the title of World's Greatest And Most Successful Procrastinator. (Jerry Briner, Ballwin, MO)
I was a little taken back by the fellow at the forum that criticized your newsletter. It was apparent that he had no concept of the fact that you are working on your own time when you could just as well be flying your Quickie. Anyway, fine, fine newsletter and we all appreciate your efforts. (Ken Norwick, Ontario, Canada)
I debated for a long time before deciding to renew. Not because I don't like your publication, but because I sold Quickie #515 a couple of months ago. Because I do like QUICKTALK, I have decided to continue my subscription. (Pete Bliss, W. Roxbury, MA)
Must agree with Fred Klein (QT #24) about editorial comments. Your accomplishments with QBA should allow the luxury of a more statesmanlike tone. (Tom Kuffel, Seattle, WA)
To a degree, I agree with Fred Klein about putting down QAC, Gene, and etc. If I had read the back issues of QBA before I purchased a kit I never would have purchased one. Too many ground handling horror stories. Many thanks to Don Ismari for the canard/wing cut-outs. (Floyd Perryman, Jena, LA)
I just wanted to throw my two cents in. I think you are doing a hell of a good job with the QBA newsletter! Keep it up! (Paul A. Fisher)
I enjoy your QUICKTALK and you may be the best "partner" for Gene since Tom died. The Quickie newsletter was far from CANARD PUSHER technically, but pretty good for sales consideration. (Bob Beaupre, Lake Forest, IL)
I subscribed to the Quickie Newsletter from the factory, but they never sent it so I cancelled my subscription. (William Landrum Jr., Ardmore, OK)
I found the Quickie Newsletter a waste of money, so discontinued subscribing after finishing construction. However, it would be nice to be informed of new developments at QAC, especially safety related items. Could significant items from the Quickie Newsletters be reported in QUICKTALK? (Jerome Fueslein, N19Q, San Andreas, CA)
Keep up the good work! Even though I am a Dragonfly builder, I get a lot of info from QUICKTALK. The hints are really great. (John Owen, Davidson, NC)
I feel that QUICKTALK has been the salvation of my project, Quickie #1039, although it may not fly for several years yet. (Wm. E. Fisher, Manitoba, Canada)
Renew my subscription. The QUICKTALK is a superior product and it has been a valuable service to me. (Fred Wemmering, Fayetteville, NC)
Here's my dues for the coming year of your great newsletter. It's read with the same gusto as Sport Aviation as soon as it arrives. (Bob Bird, Friendswood, TX)
Please find $25 instead of $12.00 for my 1986 renewal. I've received QUICKTALK for 3 years and thought I'd better contribute somehow (ED. NOTE: these "extras" will be put into the cost of updating the flying Quickie/Q-2 roster. Thank you, all of you who have been generous.) #2746 is getting closer to completion. (Dave Dugas)
At age 69 it is unlikely that I will build anything, but I like to keep in touch with what is really going on. I enjoy your output very much. (Taylor M. Boyer, Mercer Island, WA)
Thanks for existing. (Christopher Young, Lafayette, LA)
We read the whole QUICKTALK (99 and 44/100% at least good). Do keep up the good work. (Bill and Mary Van Sice)
Thank YOU! WOW! What a deal! And to think I almost didn't write! You guys are great! Here's what I just went thru. Thursday, 7 Nov., 1600 hrs, pick up my mail in the wardroom on the way home from quarters at HM-12 in Norfolk, VA (H-53 RAG). "Oh, I got a package from QBA." Go home, sit down in a Lazy Boy recliner, sip on a drink and open your package. Next thing I know it's 2 am and my eyes won't focus. I've inhaled the first 12 newsletters. Thank You Everyone!
My feelings about QAC run along the lines of Alan McFarland (QT 5/2), Bob McFarland (QT 6/1) and you, Jim, QT 18/1 pgh. 2. I suggest all the builders open their dictionaries and re-read the definition of experimental and experimentalist! Each builder is one. If they want all that goes with a "Big" corporation producing FAA certified aircraft, then buy a certified airframe. The experimental airplane market is just that - experimental! Whatever happened to that good old EAA spirit? Men need something to "tinker" with upon retirement or when not working. Thank God our body functions enough to tinker. We were born into a family, country and time in history that allows you this almost unbelievable privilege! Anyone who has traveled enough to see the rest of the world's troubles and low relative standard of living will know what I'm saying! I ordered kit #2923 Q-2 Turbo in June 1985 and I still don't have everything, but you don't hear me complaining - Let the buyer beware! (Lt. Michael S. Kynett, USNR-R, Norfolk, VA)
We need your effort to continue this great tool. Thanks for everything so far. I was impressed and excited after meeting with the group at Oshkosh this year for the first time. The best part was listening to the experiences of other Quickie pilots. Whether those experiences are good or bad, they will help me on the first flight, hopefully this summer! See you again at Oshkosh. Saturday night was a great time to schedule the forum. (Charles Lipke, Onalaska, WI)
$12 for the subscription - a bargain! Les Emerson and I flew our bright yellow Q-2, N85HE to Oshkosh and back.
8.3 Flight time westbound (block to block net airtime!)
7.9 Flight time eastbound
5 stops out, 3 stops back. We have 70 hrs now, no mishaps, but we've stopped flying for the winter. (Dick Howland, Southampton, MA)
Thanks again for your fantastic efforts in putting together and publishing QUICKTALK! The only complaint that I have is that it isn't printed often enough, I enjoy it. I especially appreciated #24 and hope that more information is forthcoming on different Quickie engine installations and performance. Being a dealer, I've had numerous questions on this subject and can now answer some of these with recommendations on who to talk to to get the answers. (Jim Hinrichson, Q CRAFT, Eureka, IL)
From Philip Bryan #2768
According to Larry Lee (I think) of APCO, the shelf life of Safe-T-Poxy is "until the viscosity increases noticeably". The viscosity of my supply has not changed, but each jug has 1/2 inch of white precipitate collected at the bottom. Phil Cuthbert of APCO does not recommend using it for anything structural and I'm inclined to agree with him. My kit is 3 years old this Fall. I'm not a fast builder for a number of very good reasons and further, I don't believe I'm the only one moving at this semi-relaxed pace. It hurts more than just a little bit to essentially throw away over $300 worth of epoxy just so that QAC can advertise a "complete" kit. It would make much more sense to not include perishables and let the builder buy supplies as required. (Incidentally, that is one of the very few beefs I have with QAC. In general they have been quite good to me).
From Rod Davis #2846
Kit 2846 has been completed and is now sitting on the runway ready for tests. Just wading thru the red tape now on registration and insurance. I urge all members not to wait until the last month. So far it has taken 2 months to complete the paperwork jungle.
From Philip Bryan #2768
The regulations that cover homebuilts are confusing. Gene told me "they don't want to see it until it's ready to fly". I double-checked with my local GADO and that's not entirely true. The feds won't look at it, but they require everything to be inspected prior to covering with anything (like trailing edge cores, paint, etc.). The inspection must be done by an A&P or a designee of the EAA. The local "designee" informed me that as of a few months ago EAA no longer supports the designee program for liability reasons (what next?). Designees have been renamed "advisors" and will inspect workmanship but will not sign log books. An A&P probably would not sign off anything he was not qualified to evaluate (e.g. composites) and I could not locate any that were. This left me in a bind. The FAA maintenance inspector told me to have the EAA "advisor" look at it anyway, and that I should enter a note to that effect in my logbook (including the name of the "advisor") and he would be happy.
It is my understanding that the policies of the Fed are very dependent on the local office and should be checked (and rechecked, as personnel change) to be sure of satisfying all the rules.
ED. NOTE: Other traps and snares: If you reserve a special N Number, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A WHITE REGISTRATION CARD IN YOUR HANDS WELL BEFORE THE FAA FIRST FLIGHT INSPECTION. If not, you won't get approved and the inspector might not be happy to make the second trip out. If you buy an unfinished project with a specially requested number already assigned be sure the previous owner signs a document releasing that number for your use, otherwise it still belongs to him and you can't fly with it.
In another fascinating twist of government service to the taxpayer, it turns out that "overworked" (Quotes on purpose, ED.) GADO (General Aviation District Office) personnel often don't get free to do the no charge homebuilt inspections, but they are delighted to give you a name from a list of "approved" non-FAA inspectors. In my area at least, some of these are conveniently retired FAA inspectors already on a nice pension from we taxpayers. Rates for inspections by these guys vary widely. If this isn't a ripe situation for payola and rip offs you tell me what is. I was tipped off to this situation by a ticked off Fed.
Other Articles In This Issue
Q-2 HINTS - by Jim Masal
QUICKIE HINTS - by Jim Masal
CLASSIFIEDS - by Jim Masal
PILOT PROFILE - by Jim Masal
QUICKSHOTS - by Jim Masal
You can order a PDF or printed copy of QuickTalk #25 by using the Q-talk Back Issue Order Page.