QuickTalk 11 - Sep/Oct 1983 - index
- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Index
- Published: Monday, 31 October 1983 06:11
- Written by Jim Masal
- Hits: 2856
by Jim Masal
Our latest news is that the QBA resident "rabbit", Robert, has hopped off again and is now living in Fort Worth, Texas rather than Maryland. (Note the new QBA mailing address.) He's close enough to me now that I'm gonna nail one of his feet to the floor so that he'll stay put.
It's old business by now, but we survived another visit to that wonder of the world known as OSHKOSH. This year QBA hosted a forum attended by some 500 people, none of whom left running from the rain like last year. A wine-and-cheese party on Tuesday drew 90 builders and guests.
Our primary interest in the forum was to learn how well QUICKTALK was serving the membership and to seek ideas for improvement. The response encouraged us to keep our format, as is, however some interesting suggestions were posed. One of these included coding tips in some way so that they could be easily found when work began on a particular area. (One member pastes them into his plans at the appropriate spot but complained of running out of room.) Better keep pasting until we can find some spare time. It was also suggested that we compile a list of flying Quickies and Q2's so builders could contact fliers nearly. We'll do it if you fliers will let us know who you are or else your buddies may turn you in to us.
We looked for a place to duck the shrapnel when the subject turned to the Quickie Aircraft Corporation, but surprisingly, responses were mixed - about half praiseworthy and half venomous. Dealer support and effectiveness were similar. The QAC builder 'hotline' wasn't so hot for some builders as they found it difficult to get through. Others stated having had no problem. One builder mentioned an excellent procedure that no doubt makes his voice welcome at the other end of the hotline. Briefly: 1) When encountering difficulty with your project, read the appropriate plans area three times and think about it. 2) If the answer doesn't come, consider the specific questions you want to ask - even write them down for reference. 3) Dial the hotline and when you connect, identify yourself, your kit number and get right to your questions. DON'T jabber about the Mojave weather, your mother-in-law, your recent operation or your vacation in Sioux Falls. Do not waste other people's time in idle chit-chat or they will avoid you at the next encounter.
We hope the wine-and-cheese party on Tuesday night was enjoyed by all. Certainly there were many animated conversation, typical pilot hand motions, hints flowing left and right and tipsy hard-core builder/drinkers that had to be nudged toward the door about 11 pm. No doubt many new and valuable friendships were developed.
Meanwhile, back on the flight line, there were four Onan Quickies, two Super Quickies with the Koenig engine and six Q2's, including the Turbo Revmaster and the Q-200. Three of the Quickies were regulars to the show and we can understand the trepidation builders have about flying these on long cross-countries, but the lack of more Q2's was baffling. Even Dragonflys were equally represented and those guys don't get a kit with molded shells. Do we have a confidence problem here, too?
Fred Stubbs' Super Quickie was gorgeous with the longer nose. He had difficulty getting approval to fly at the show but had about 90 hours on the plane using the Onan and about 60 hours with the Koenig. The engine has a nifty starter and runs quiet as well as smooth. He had sold a Koenig conversion to several builders as of Oshkosh.
The Quickie/Q2 forums held by Gene Sheehan of QAC were worthwhile and informative as usual. Our continuing complaint, however, is that if you can't go to Oshkosh, you will miss some good tips that Gene only gives in person and NOT in the Quickie Aircraft newsletter. An example of this occurred at the 1982 forum. Gene described the poor flight qualities of a Q2 with drooped main wing tips. (It seems that the added lift on the rear wing causes a draggy attitude that lowers speed.) This has not yet seen print. Meanwhile, creative builders who weren't at that Oshkosh are building fancy tips only to saw them off later. We were excited to hear of the "Special Double Issue" newsletter from QAC only to see a company 'puff' sheet with double the advertising. The tips are useful when they come, so don't let your membership lapse.
Some points made by Sheehan this year follow: 1) The T-tail is NOT yet approved by QAC due to unresolved problems as outlined in the Special Double Issue. Proper weight and balance data on the aircraft was stressed strongly. DON'T USE BATHROOM SCALES for your final data. Sheehan says he won't fly a Q2 with poor weight and balance data. He advises that on taxi tests you should expect to fly on each trip down the runway. That is, don't be surprised, be ready and do not taxi test on a narrow taxiway just in case. 2) Sheehan described a Q2 fatality in San Diego where the plane had a 750 lb. empty weight, a T-tail three to four times larger than usual, a liquid cooled engine and some complex control linkages. The builder was advised not to call the plane a Q2. 3) Two to three pounds can be saved by using the new liquid firewall. 4) The Q-200 has been tested to 265 mph TAS so far. It has counterbalanced ailerons but not elevators, which use "sparrow strainers". 5) Sheehan said the Q-200 type airfoil would be built for the Quickie for testing perhaps this fall. This airfoil is more tolerant of poor surface finish. However, the carbon fiber spar is less tolerant of excess epoxy, so it will be laid up under factory control for better strength.
We are indebted once again to the many creative builders that filled our ears with the tips that will be appearing in upcoming issues. At the same time we poke our fingers at those many who have said "I meant to write you and I will as soon as I get home". Do it! We're reminding you.
Other Articles In This Issue
ODDS and ENDS - by Jim Masal
Q-TIPS - by Jim Masal
QUICKIE HINTS - by Jim Masal
Q2 HINTS - by Jim Masal
CLASSIFIEDS - by Jim Masal
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