Hey Member, Well summer is starting to wind down, but there has certainly been a lot of great Q activity including lots of building and flying.
There have also been a lot of great "get togethers." These include a great turn-out at the QBA Forums at Oshkosh, a highly successful "Livermore" event, and even a few spontaneous fly-ins like this meet up between Sanjay Dhall and Paul Fischer at VPZ:
I'm hopefull that the next newsletter will contain a report from Livermore and "Field of Dreams." For now, I want to send out a HUGE CONGRATS to Sam Hoskins for finsihing the AirVenture cup race with a blistering average speed of 218 mph! Way to go Sammy!
I received a couple of great article submissions for this issue and I am grateful, but I’ll need your continued support in order to keep publishing the newsletter. So keep those submissions coming!
I hope all of you are having a great summer, and I look forward to hearing from all of you. . . And yes. . . That means YOU! LOL!
Remember, "Together we build better planes" (and newsletters.)
Warm regards, Dan Yager QBA Editor www.quickheads.com