QUICKIE OFFICE HOURS .....Our normal office hours will be 9:00 to 5:00, Tuesday thru Saturday. We will be closed on Sunday and Monday. .....Tom or Gene will be available to answer general inquiries from 1:00 to :00 on Tuesday and Thursday, and from 9:00 to 5:00 on Saturday. We would prefer that builders call us with questions at these same times. All times are PST. QUALITY CONTROL .....The homebuilder is responsible for his own quality control while building the aircraft. Only he will know how good of a job he has done during the construction phase. .....The Quickie Education Section of the plans is to provide the homebuilder with the information he needs to judge his work quality. DO NOT ignore this section. If you have any questions on it, please contact us so that we may help you. .....Remember that you will be flying the aircraft for many years more than it took you to build it, so do a good job during the construction phase. RADIO INSTALLATION .....In the last newsletter, we indicated that we hoped to test a new low cost, lightweight Nay-Corn radio by 1 January, 1979. That particular unit has been delayed by the manufacturer for at least three months. ENGINE MAINTENANCE .....Some individuals who have contacted us for information on the Quickie have been concerned as to who may perform the aircraft and engine maintenance on a Quickie. Because the Quickie is registered as a homebuilt, the builder-owner may do all of his bwn maintenance himself, legally. If he does not feel confident to do it himself, he may, of course, have a regular A & P mechanic perform the work. .....During the over 250 hours of operation of our Quickie prototype over the past 14 months, the only maintenance required on the aircraft has been to replace the main tires once, change the oil and filter regularly, and put gas in it once a week. EPOXY SEDIMENT .....A few of our builders have noticed that their epoxy forms a white sediment on the bottom of the container during storage. This is usually due to temperature cycling. To remove the sediment, the following procedure should be used:
1. | Heat a pan of water to the boiling pt. | 2. | Turn the fire out and permit the water to cool to just below the boiling Pt. | 3. | Place the epoxy container in the water and leave for 30 minutes. | | |
.....The white particulate should go back into solution and you should have no further problems with the sediment forming again.
ADDING STROBES TO YOUR QUICKIE .....Several Quickie builders have asked our advice on how to mount strobes and/or night flying lights on their Quickies. .....Although all of those items can be retrofitted after completion of the basic aircraft, it is better to plan ahead and install them during the construction process. .....Strobes can be mounted on the tips of the main wing. We would suggest trkat before glassing the main wing, that you purchase some thin wall conduit(aluminum) from the local hardware store and tpoke it from the tip of the wing to the root on each side. This will allow you to run the wires necessary for the wing tip lights without damaging the foam. A similar technique can be used elsewhere. .....The maximum continuous current drain for a Quickie should not exceed 1 / amps. Since some strobe lights have very high current drains, be sure to add up your equipment list to verify that you are under the 1 / amp figure. QUICKIE COMPONENT WEIGHTS .....We are trying to compile a list of average weights for the various parts of a Quickie. To do this, we need each builder’s help, as we want to have a large sample. .....Those of you who are keeping weight of the various structural parts as you build them could assist us by jotting down the component weight and description and sending it to us. Be sure to be specific about the part description (e.g. main wing with ailerons mounted and control system assembled). GAS PRICES GOING UP .....With the OPEC oil price increase announced in December, 1978, its a sure bet that gas prices will rise significantly in 1979. For us, the mythical $1.00 per gallon mark was surpassed on New Year's Day when we paid $1.02 per gallon at Lake Tahoe. Isn't it nice to own and operate a Quickie, instead of a Belchfire 500? QUICKIE TRAILER .....An individual in Bakersfield, California has built a prototype Quickie trailer. It is fully enclosed, has four wheels, and has all of the necessary lighting to make it legal in California. It currently does not have the fittings to secure the Quickie inside. .....For personal reasons, he would like to sell the trailer to a Quickie builder for $1,200. The trailer is on display at our shop. Anyone wishing to buy the trailer will have to personally inspect it before the purchase. For further information, contact Mr. Roscoe A. Trunkey at (805) 871-7568. |