Tri-Q Mounting Holes
- Details
- Category: TriQ Plans
- Published: Thursday, 23 December 2010 11:03
- Written by Sott Swing
- Hits: 4621
Using the paper template that you made the plywood insert from, and also referring to the full size drawings, mark your hole in the front attach area. Since this hole must be perpendicular to the fitting, you may find that your electric drill is too big to lie down enough to give you that type of hole. If that is the case, borrow or rent an air drill. These are very narrow and work very well. Start with an l/8" hole. If you have access to a 3/8" snake bit (long bit), that would be the best to use for your final drilling through both holes at once.
Get those four (4) 1/8" aluminum pieces that you made at the beginning for the additional bearing and surface load. Fit them into their positions and make sure ,that/with the holes lined up, they fit up flat against the plywood and glass attach fittings. When satisfied with the fit, get your AN6-74A bolts, slide the front attach plates on the bolts and insert them into and through their holes. Slide the rear plates on and line them up. Now drill out the three (3) 3/16" holes in each of the four (4) plates through the plywood and glass attach fitting. Get eight (8) of the 12 AN3-7A bolts and appropriate washers and, nuts and bolt through the top holes of all four (4) plates from the inside. The drawings should help here. The bottom four (4) bolts must be put in after the gear is in place and from the outside in. You will have to be creative in sliding the nuts in place here but take your time, they will fit. Leave those bolts out for now though.