Hey Member, Call me optimistic, but based on the traffic statistics I see on the new website I’d say that The Quickie Builders Association is headed for an extended period of membership growth.
The map below shows an overlay of traffic sources since QBA went 100% digital in January 2010. As you can see, the site has received over 13,000 visitors from 110 countries, and the numbers have been steadily increasing.
I believe we have an obligation as members to share the experience we’ve gained, and help new builders overcome some of the obstacles and challenges they face. In an effort to help keep QBA growing I’d like to lay out some ideas I have to help us share information, and of course, get feedback from you about it.
First, from the map it’s clear that the majority of visitors come from the United States. However, it’s also clear that people from around the globe are interested in the Q designs. My thought is that there might be a language barrier here. How can you help? If English is your second language, perhaps you could help us translate some of the information on the website into your native language. This would definitely be a help to other builders who might be struggling.
Second, I would like to put my programming skills to good use and provide the Q community with better tools to helps us collaborate. How can you help? If you have an idea that would make communication more effective, please send it to me and I will do my best to implement it. For example, would you find it helpful to get e-mails when someone responds in the forums? Tell me what you think. I love feedback.
Third, some tools have already been implemented, but they sit unused! Egads! How can you help? Well, don’t just sit there with your music still in you, post a classified ad, write an article, e-mail me a picture, drop me a postcard, or join the discussion!
I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you! Yes, even YOU! LOL!
Remember, "Together we build better planes" (and websites.)
Warm regards, Dan Yager QBA Editor www.quickheads.com