Q-talk 98 - Countdown to First Flight Registration Part 2
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- Category: Q-Talk Articles
- Published: Wednesday, 23 December 2009 16:24
- Written by Dave Richardson
- Hits: 3739
In the last issue of Q-Talk. we gave specific suggestions for the completion of the FAA airplane ownership forms. A successful registration will result in receiving a FAA Form 8050-3 postcard. This postcard will be required for the second phase of paperwork requesting an airworthiness certificate. The form 8050-3 authorizes you to display your N-number on your airplane. It also ultimately signals to the state's sales tax collectors that a new airplane has been manufactured and they can collect their taxes.
While attending a forum at Sun 'n Fun this year entitled. "How to Register Your Homebuilt". sponsored by the EAA staff, we learned a few new points that may help you with the process. First, we learned EAA's Charlie Becker is an excellent resource if you have a "non-standard" situation or need specific advice. His email address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and his phone number is (920)426-4821. He is very approachable and is willing to help with your registration needs. He mentioned that it is now possible to reserve your N-number online at http://registrv.faa.gov/default.asp
A FAA employee from the Oklahoma City aircraft registration branch joined the forum to provide background and answ er questions. One of the interesting tilings described was the system of priorities used w hen processing registration forms. Newly receiv ed registration forms get liighest priority and a 8050-3 will be sent to the owner ty pically w ithin three w eeks, if all of the paperwork is correct. My personal experience w as in just TWO w eeks. If there are problems with the paperwork, your request w ill go to the bottom of the stack to be addressed at a much lower priority than the forms sent w ithout errors. If you do not receive your 8050-3 witliin 21 days, you should CALL the registration branch at (405) 954-3116. You are not going to annoy the staff or make them angiy by calling that soon after submitting the forms. This will help to reprioritize your paperwork up from the bottom of the stack to the top. 1 would strongly recommend saying sometliing like." I submitted my forms for registration 21 days ago and since I have not received the 8050-3 yet. I am concerned that I may have completed the paperwork improperly. I would like to work with you to clear up any problems I may have caused." I believe far more progress w ill be made using that approach than to go in with your fangs out. your guns a blazin' and calling everyone incompetent fools. Remember, this is their game, on their turf. They control the priorities.
If you have resolved all your paperw ork issues w ith the FAA and the date of your the inspection arrives with no
8050-3 post card, a faxed copy could be provided for the inspector. That copy will be good for 30 days.
Many "What if' scenarios were posed in the last issue of Q-Talk. for example. "What if the kit company is no longer in business?" or "What if you can't locate the previous builder?" or "What if a previous builder died?" While the FAA would prefer tlie ownership documentation to be on their Bill of Sale forms and the signature of all ow ners between the kit manufacturer and you. they realize that in some situations it may be impossible to comply. To show that you have at least attempted to contact the previous builder who may not want to communicate or lias died, the FAA suggests sending a certified letter with return notification to the last known address of the individual. When the letter is returned to you. do not open it. Submit tlie unopened envelope along with a notarized statement describing the situation as documentation. If you purchased your Quickie directly from the Quickie Aircraft Corporation, you do not have to send a letter to the last known address, as Oklahoma City should be aware QAC is no longer in business. You should, how ever, make the situation clear in your notarized statement why you cannot provide a signed document from QAC. Again. I would suggest that you contact Charlie Becker if you have any questions about your specific situation.
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