Q-talk 97 - Jan/Feb2003 - index
- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Index
- Published: Wednesday, 23 December 2009 16:24
- Written by Dave Richardson
- Hits: 3061
Quickie Builders Association Together we build better planes! Jan/Feb.2003 Issue Number 97 |
Yes, the Quickie Builders Association is twenty-two years old and still going strong. I want to extend my thanks to you because you make this group possible. The articles and tips that you contribute to the newsletter and your participation in fly-in events is what makes this association strong. I also want to thank those who work behind the scenes in an effort to send safer Q's into the air. I applaud your efforts!
We are looking forward to the up-coining fly-in season. This year promises the return of some Q Birds that have been under repair or liave been refurbished. We are also expecting some new hatchlings this summer! This should be an exciting time for the QBA.
As editor of Q-Talk, one of the best things about the beginning of a new year is hearing from you as you renew your membersliip. Your feedback and expressions of gratitude are greatly appreciated. It has been interesting to note the number of members who have identified with various stumbling blocks highlighted in the recent article entitled. "The Wall." There is both solace and strength in knowing that you are not alone w hen faced with a challenge. This is what some of the members had to say:
Articles from this issue:
Checking In with Headquarters - by Dave Richardson
Sun 'n Fun 2003 April 2nd?8th - by Dave Richardson
Countdown To First Flight-Registration - by Dave Richardson
Featured Pilot - Jerry Kennedy - by Dave Richardson
The Quickie Airfoils - by Mike Shuck
Fly-In - by Jeff LeTempt
Fly-In Video - by Dave Richardson
Checking In - by John Dunn
Q-Terms - by David Gall
Warnke Prop - by Jim Patlllo
Getting Close - by Bud Starnes
Fuel Tank Debris - by Jon Finley
Checking In - by Chris Rayner
QBA On the Grow - by Dave Richardson
A current QBA member may have one free ad per issue. It may be a maximum of five lines of type and will be edited to fit space available. Items advertised must be owned by the QBA member. The ad contact must be a member name. Ads will be run for two issues and then the ad must be resubmitted. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Please note that these ads may no longer be valid. They are included here only as part of the online archive.]
FOR SALE: Original Revmaster cowling?uncut, untouched. new condition, never used $140 + shipping OBO. Continental 0-200A engine: 4113 TT 1942 SMOH. Needs rebuilding: all accessories including mags, starter, generator; no oil tank, caib or exhaust. No prop strike. Widi logs. $2995 + shipping. Firm. Kurt Van Dyke Coco. FL (321) 636-7167 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: Limbach Aircraft engine SL 1700E Serial # 1425 68hp complete with starter, alternator, oil cooler and fuel pump. All manuals, zero time. $3,000 or best offer. A1 Bruggink West Bend WI (262) 335-6459 al-This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WANTED: Need a pair of carbon fiber spars for the Q200 -LSI canard. Frank Follmen Peoria AZ. (623) 362-2488 (02)
FOR SALE: Revmaster with A1 Page 75hp heads including glass plenum, exhaust, intake & Posa carb. 200 TT. Removed to install Jabiru. Make offer. Cowley prop cut down 1" $150. Hegy 50x50 prop for Revmaster $150. Paul Spackman This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: 3 3/8" Attitude Gyro (Artificial Horizon), 3 3/8" Directional Gyro, vac pump, filter, regulator, vac gauge and all hoses to install on an 0-200. From the instrument panel to the engine. $800. 1/2 price of new. Contact Bud Starnes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (812)985-2527
FOR SALE: 22.6 Onan (118 lirs), Q1 instruments and parts. (Donated rest of plane to children's museum.) Best offer Ted Kibiuk. NY (315) 896-2004 after 8:00 p.m.
Nick McLain's beautiful Revmaster powered Q2 with over 170 hours lias striking red stripes from the smile inlet to the tail and a shorter blue accent stripe below die canopy. |
You can order a printed copy of Q-talk #97 by using the Q-talk Back Issue Order Page.