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Q-talk 100 - Fly-in Sullivan, MO

Fly-in Sullivan, MO

October 3rd?5th

The 13th Annual Tandem Wing Field of Dreams Fly-In is right around the corner, Oct.3-5. Things are shaping up to make this a great event. Now is the time to fill out the registration cards and get them back to me. You can complete the registration form contained in this newsletter and mail or you can use the on-line registration at the event web site.

The schedule is subject to change, but here is what I have planned as of today:

3 October3 October3 October
1300Event Officially? Opens
1300-1700Fun Fly
1300-1700Introductory Hands-On Composite
ConstructionDrew Aurigemsi and Jeff Le Tempt
4 October4 October4 October
0845-1030Perform. Run &Fun FlyAlan Thayer
0930-1030X-PlaneDrew Aurigema
1035-1145Dragonfly Forui7? Spud Spornitz
1150-1300Q ForumJimmy Masai
1305-1350Prop ForumCulver Props
1355-1535AeroElectric Fowm Bob Nuckolls
1540-1650Engine ForumPat Panzera
1700Group Photo
1830Awards Banqutit
5 October5 October5 October
0900-1200Fun Fly
1200Event OfficiallyClosed

In addition to the familiar forums, I am very excited about the new hands-on composite construction class and the prop forum. Last year Drew Aurigema and I lead a very basic composite class, but as I recall I was the only one who got dirty. The class was very well received, so this year we thought we would take it to the next level. This will be a hands-on introduction to composite construction and will be limited to about 15 people.

The class will include hot wire cutting styrene foam, forming urethane foam, working with fiberglass and carbon fiber cloth, filler materials and many other essential basics to get the new composite builder off to a good start. The things learned in this class will certainly save you a lot of building time and could save your life. There will be a $20 fee for this class above and beyond the normal registration fee. If I get the donations of materials that I was promised, I am really hoping to reduce the amount to about $10 per person. In that case, each participant will receive a refund. Since the class size is limited, I need to hear from you ASAP to reserve your seat.

Rather than take up a bunch of valuable newsletter space, I will refer you to the fly-in web site at http://www.fidnet.com/~letempt/ If you don't have access to the internet, go over to a friend's house or your local library and borrow their computer for 30 minutes to get up to speed. Included on the web site is information on hotels, driving directions, local attractions, and many other valuable bits of information.

I am still looking for someone to videotape the event. Don Stewart had done this for several years and I did it last year. I think I am going to be a little busy with other things this year. Please contact me if you are interested in the job.

I look forward to seeing all of you at the fly-in real soon. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. My work number is (573) 596-0165 (ask for Mr. LeTempt) and my home phone number is (573) 364-2545. Of course you can always email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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