- Details
- Category: Q-Talk Articles
- Published: Thursday, 31 December 1998 06:11
- Written by Tom Moore
- Hits: 4200
A current member may have one free Ad per month. It may be a maximum of five lines of type and will be edited to fit space available. Items advertised must be owned by the member. The Ad contact must be a member name. Ads will be run for TWO issues and then the Ad must be resubmitted.
WANTED: Will pay top dollar for a simple clean-built Onan powered Quickie. Must have complete logs, in good flying condition and have been hangared. Vicinity of northwest preferred. 425-869-0240 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: Q-1, 22.6 hp Onan, 128 hrs TT, 208 landings, LS-1 canard, Thermister fuel gauges, 1 gal/hr fuel consumption, cabin heat, cut fuselage for easy hauling, dual brake controls. Ted Kibiuk 315-896-2004 - NY
WANTED: Wood prop about 52" dia./48" pitch to be installed on HAPI VW conversion. (Magnum 75 hp) in a Q-2 project. Contact Gerard by fax at 418-562-7604 or E-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: Q-2, 0 time Revmaster, on the gear, controls installed, surfaces all built, tail feathers removed for storage. Includes a 16' dually trailer to carry home. $6500 OBO. 512-855-3801 - TX
WANTED: Stainless steel exhaust system for Q-200 or a source for them. Prefer silenced. Might accept mild steel. Also need prop extension, air-box, engine tin-ware. Contact Chris Rayner (44) 13 67 82 02 31 England
FOR SALE: Q-200 TT 125 hrs, SMOH 500 hrs, STOH 30 hrs, Cont. O-200 + Klaus Savier Hi-Comp. Pistons - 9.9 to 1. Elect. Ign. Navaid wingleveler, Valcom radio, Mode-C, 170 cruise, 2 interior. $25,000. Bruce Crain, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 580-242-0618
WANTED: Propeller for a 20 hp Onan and a 300-degree iol temperature gauge. Contact J. P. Stroud 407-757-3553, E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: Q-2 project, firewall aft. on mains, have engine options, upholstery, controls, misc. $1600 or ? Located in Salinas, CA. Stuart Smith E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (days) 831-673-0114, (evenings) 831-663-4674
FOR SALE: TRI-Q2 certified as tail wheel, modified to tri-gear. Zero time airframe and engine, reflexor, Matco brakes, LS1 canard, all modifications, all newsletters and documents. $6500. Kevin Howard, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 281-244-4835 - TX
FOR SALE: Q-1, 375 hrs on airframe, 175 hrs on Rotax 447 eng. Terra handheld radio included. Will deliver to buyer in the Northwest. View at http://www.barnstormers.com/97041400.html $5000 OBO. Must sell. Jerry Darrah 503-254-9992
FOR SALE: TRI-GEAR KIT, main gear is wrapped and has tabs built. Wheel pants complete less finishing, includes stainless brackets. Have wheels, tires, brakes, nose gear and plans. Located in Florida. Ed Sikora 407-861-3338, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: Q2 project firewall aft, no engine. LS-1 canard, main wing, rudder and gas tank built. $2000. Don Manak 414-862-9803 11125 - 237th Plc, Trevor, WI 53179
WANTED: Revmaster vacuum system, Q-2 Revmaster exhaust system, elevator mass balance parts, belly board kit, O-200 motor and Q-2 conversion kit, call Tom @ 828-264-7371
FOR SALE: Q-200 w/trailer, 290 hrs, reflexor, speed brake, gyro, mode C, GPS, King 79A com. Asking price $17,500. Call Glenn Watts 409-234-2170 or 318-583-5715, E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: I have a Hamilton vertical card compass available (non tso version) and I will part with it cheap. $40. Jim Doyle 217-529-6431, E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FOR SALE: Q-1, 40 hp Zenoah engine, trailer mod., trailer included, 200+hrs with Onan, not flown with the Zenoah. Needs cowling mounted, minor finishing $3000. Consider selling minus engine. Al Bruggink, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 414-335-6459
The 1998 Ottawa Fly-In video is now available. It captures the entire Ottawa weekend experience in over 9 hours of video tape, including all of the forums, the Award Dinner, fly-by, performance run and a leisurely up-close look at each of the attending aircraft. All 9 hours for $28/set of two VHS EP tapes (ppd). Canada: Add $3 (S&H). MC/Visa/Check accepted. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Fax 520-445-3781; Voice: 520-778-6988; Mail: Steward Instruments, Inc., P O Box 11929, Prescott, AZ 86304
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