I'm in the process of updating the Q2 and Q200 prints in hopes to generate a set of prints that can more easily be constructed.
As the first step in this process I have taken the plans offered on this site and traced them into CAD files which I then turned into a 3D model of the fuselage.
The fuselage is modeled in its rough (but nice looking) form. I need the following:
1) Feedback on what I have, whether it looks "right".
2) Some people to measure things on their Q2s and Q200s and to compare to what I have in my CAD model (my goals is to make the CAD model as accurate as can be considering this is a kit).
3) I am about to start modeling the wings and landing gear. I am in need of more information on the airfoils and wing specifications. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
4) I need some more information on the canopy that was included with the kit. I have almost zero dimensional data from it. So I can either improvise or try to reproduce the original shape from data.
Once I have the basic shape of the Airplane done I will begin finishing the actual construction details.
After that I will start on a set of prints.
The more questions the better I want to make this set of plans detailed enough that someone can more easily construct the aircraft.
I am hoping to set it up that anyone can send the drawing files to a CNC shop to have foam wire or laser cut to shape to build the fuselage.
Here is what I have so far: