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* Two electronics engineers look over the Quickie electrical system and give us a very interesting and eye-opening two-part story

* A look at the lowly hot wire - in its many forms.

* Weight - Where do you fit in? A survey for Quickie and Q2 builders to find the truth.

* Safety Reports.

* A 1-1/2-Place Quickie? - Well...sort of.

* And construction hints from border to border. (Keep sending them in, folks!)

You can order a PDF or printed copy of QuickTalk #1 by using the Q-talk Back Issue Order Page.


A: (RE: A. Weigart, Issue #1) I had a problem with my Quickie exhausts hitting the top cowl slightly. At first I kept popping the cowl brackets and couldn't figure out why. One day at 1,000 feet I heard a strange noise (sure raises the hair on the neck!). When I landed, I found all but one upper cowl bracket broken loose. We found that it was caused from engine vibration. DON'T let that engine touch anything but the mounts. It bounces around, especially with the Kevlar mount. (Jim Stoveken, #204)

Q: When flying the Q2 and trimming at the same time, how do you trim without taking your hand off the stick? Do you do all trimming with the left hand? /page 20-3/ (Lanny Fields, #2551)

Q: Has anyone completed a layup in the approximate times given in the plans? For example, laying up the bottom wing skin in 2.5 hours. If so, what's the technique? (Dean Sjoquist, #459)

Q: Page 7-6 of the Quickie plans shows Section B-B as a 4" width, but sentence 2, says within 1". Which is correct? (Don Ralph, #300)

A. Stress that on page 7-6, contouring must be: 1) Within 2" of edge of fuselage and 2) within 2" of the bulkhead marked earlier (that is within 2" both fore and aft of ...) (Owen Billman, #53)

Q. I only received one sheet of 1/4" foam. With this, I'm supposed to make my gas tank, baffles, header tank, etc. Did anyone else receive more? (Robert McCollum, #2143)

Q. Does anyone know of a good, reliable tachometer (for a Quickie)? I am looking for a small one that will last longer than the original I received. (Jim Stoveken, #204)

A. (RE: Richard Pettit, Issue #1) Advice from Quickie (QAC) is to forget about taping both sides of bulkhead 153.7. (Dean Sjoquist, #459)

You can order a PDF or printed copy of QuickTalk #2 by using the Q-talk Back Issue Order Page.


FOR SALE: "Poor Man's Epoxy Pump", Tested for compatibility of epoxy resins and for measurement accuracy and repeatability. I've ordered a bulk lot of materials and will sell finished ones for $15 US or $17 Can. or send $1 and SASE for diagram and US sources. Specify Volumetric Ratio. SCIENTEC (Bob Falkiner), P. O. Box 2872, Sarnia, Ontario CAN N7T-7M1

FOR SALE: Precision metal templates made for your Q2 wings, canard, etc. Also have gas tank template (paper). Contact: Doug Swanson, 16580 Valley Rd., Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (612) 934-6085.

You can order a PDF or printed copy of QuickTalk #2 by using the Q-talk Back Issue Order Page.

QuickTalk 1 - CALENDAR

Feb. 28Flabob Airport Open House, Riverside, CA. Guests will include EAA President Paul Poberezny.

Mar 14-20SUN 'n FUN, Lakeland, FL. Contact: Billy Henderson (813) 665-6374.


You can order a PDF or printed copy of QuickTalk #1 by using the Q-talk Back Issue Order Page.

QuickTalk 1 - ODDS and ENDS

Howard Meissner, who runs Q-Aircraft of Southern California, informs us that he has available a super Q2 T-shirt. It has a Q2 on the front and says "I FLY THE Q2". They come in red and light blue, men's medium and large only. The price is $7.50 (plus 6% sales tax for Cal. residents) and postage. His address is P.O. Box 2367, Mission Viejo, CA 92690. (714) 951.3681.

As we mentioned in the past, the QUICKTALK mailing list has been computerized to speed up the paperwork. Check your front label and inform us of any misspelled words or changes of address.

For those, individuals who have purchased Quickie Kit #2, Aircraft Spruce and Specialty will no longer allow credit for your non-sensitive altimeter to purchase a sensitive type. It appears the company was being overrun by people wanting the better altimeter.

QBA will print a copy of its complete membership roster in the next issue for MAR/APR. If you would like to find out the builders in your state before then, send us a legal size SASE.

Gary Novotny (#458) of Maple Grove, Minnesota tells us he is installing Rosenhan wheels and hydraulic disc brakes on his single-place Quickie. This we gotta see!


A word of "Thanks" goes out to those Quickie distributors who were gracious enough to send us their regional mailing lists. On the subject of membership, we still need individual support in getting our word out to all Quickie and Q2 builders. We have only touched the tip of the iceberg!

You can order a PDF or printed copy of QuickTalk #1 by using the Q-talk Back Issue Order Page.