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Site news with links and other quick information will be posted here.

Bad karma : we can't find that page !

You asked for {%sh404SEF_404_URL%}, but despite our computers looking very hard, we could not find it. What happened ?

  • the link you clicked to arrive here has a typo in it
  • or somehow we removed that page, or gave it another name
  • or, quite unlikely for sure, maybe you typed it yourself and there was a little mistake ?

{sh404sefSimilarUrlsCommentStart}It's not the end of everything though : you may be interested in the following pages on our site:{sh404sefSimilarUrlsCommentEnd}


If you''ve arrived at this page it probably means that the link you clicked is no longer working. If you take a quick minute to CONTACT ME and let me know where the link is, I''ll try my best to fix it ASAP!

Hmmm? There seems to be a problem. . .

If you've arrived at this page it probably means that the link you clicked is no longer working. If you take a quick minute to CONTACT ME and let me know where the link is, I'll try my best to fix it ASAP!

Also, I encourage you to provide me with FEEDBACK about this site. If there is something I can do to make the site more useful to you, please let me know!

In the meantime, you might be able to locate the information you were trying to find by performing a SEARCH or by clicking on one of the links below:


Q-2/Q-200 PLANS





Houston we have a problem. . .

We are currently performing some software upgrades on the Quickie Builder's Association Website. Most of the content is now available but several features haven't been updated yet.

Otherwise, if you've arrived at this page it might mean that a link you clicked on is no longer working. If you take a quick minute to CONTACT ME and let me know where the link is, I'll try my best to fix it ASAP!

Also, I encourage you to provide me with FEEDBACK about this site. If there is something I can do to make the site more useful to you, please let me know!

In the meantime, you might be able to locate the information you were trying to find by performing a SEARCH.